Managing faecal sludge the app way
Making use of the latest mobile app technologies can help ULBs manage faecal sludge transportation better.
Using mobile technologies is the way forward in faecal sludge management. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Artificial reefs to save sinking islands
A new technique of using artificial reefs could save islands from sinking due to sea-level rise and climate change.
Artificial reefs get immersed in the sea. (Source: India Science Wire)
जल संरक्षण के लाभ | Benefits of Water Conservation in Hindi
जल संरक्षण के बारे में विस्तार से जानें और इसके संरक्षण के उपायों को समझें | Know and understand about the water conservation measures in hindi.
water conservation steps
What happens to your e-waste?
Though informal e-waste handling, segregation and import are prohibited by the law, e-waste business is thriving in the country.
Boys sort discarded computer parts as sparks fly from a grinding machine.  (Image: Greenpeace, Flickr Commons; CC BY-ND 2.0)