Minimising bycatch
Bycatch during trawling not only harms the environment but causes huge economic loss also. A video tells us why it is important to address this issue.
Shrimp bycatch (Image source:Wikipedia)
जल प्रदूषण के कारण और उपाय | Water Pollution Causes and Remedies in Hindi
इस ब्लॉग में हम जल प्रदूषण के कारणों और उपायों को समझेंगे। Know and understand the causes and solutions of water pollution in hindi.
Water Pollution
Bad times at Baddi
Unless industries clean up their act and authorities take it up seriously, Baddi’s water will continue to be polluted causing hardship to its residents.
The state pollution control board insists that none of the factories in the area allow any pollutants to be discharged into the environment. The state of the surface water bodies, however, belies this statement.