Towards understanding the right to water and sanitation - A discussion paper by WaterAid India (2009)
This discussion paper from WaterAid India, examines the need and background of the right to water and sanitation (RTWS), in both the global context and in the Indian context.
Status of water supply and wastewater generation and treatment in Class-I cities and Class-II towns of India - A report by CPCB (2009)
This is the fourth in a decadal series of reports published by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which provides basic information about the status of water supply and sewage generation.
The state of water, sanitation and solid waste management in Doddballapur town - A research report by SVARAJ (2009)
This research report by SVARAJ, is an attempt to assess the availability of basic civic amenities for the citizens of Doddaballapur, Bangalore.
Reverse osmosis plants for rural water treatment in Gujarat - A research paper by CAREWATER
This research paper attempts to understand and map the Reverse Osmosis (RO) phenomenon, a technology that is turning out to be an important solution for drinking water treatment in rural Gujarat.
The story of bottled water (2010): A film about how "manufactured demand" pushes what we don t need and destroys what we need most
"The Story of Bottled Water" is a7-minute animated film, that takes a provocative, humorous look at bottled water.