The water that you eat
Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories
Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
Small scale inland open water fisheries of India
What is the status of inland fisheries in India? Read these situational analysis reports to know about inland fisheries, the life of the fisherfolk, governance and tenure in inland fisheries and threats to the sustainability of inland fisheries.
Fishing in an irrigation canal in Kerala (Image Source: Martin Pilkinton via Wikimedia Commons)
A successful model of integrated farming system in Koraput
Integrated rice–fish-poultry farming system is a sound strategy for harmonizing joint management of various resources
Mangaraj's farm is a model for the region (Image: Tripati Khura)
भारत में क्यों मनाया जाता है राष्ट्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण दिवस
जानिए भारत में राष्ट्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण दिवस क्यों मनाया जाता है | Know why National Pollution Control Day is celebrated in India
भोपाल गैस त्रासदी ,फोटो-flickerIndiawaterportal
COP-27: Act now
In 2022, almost every country in the world has been affected by natural disasters
The the poor and developing countries are more affected by these climate change induced natural disasters than the rich and developed ones(Image: MaxPixel)
वायु प्रदूषण कम करने के लिए बिहार बना रहा है नई कार्ययोजना
बिहार राज्य के कई शहरों में वायु प्रदूषण का बढ़ता स्तर गंभीर चिंता का विषय है। वायु गुणवत्ता में सुधार देखने के लिए हमें कुछ वर्षों तक लगातार प्रयास करने की जरूरत है। बीएसपीसीबी जल्द ही राज्य में वायु प्रदूषण को रोकने के लिए सभी हितधारकों के लिए अपनी कार्य योजना लेकर आएगा।
बिहार में वायु प्रदूषण कम करने के लिए बना प्लान,फोटो-flickerIndiawaterportal
Categorising watersheds for freshwater ecosystem conservation in India
These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
The Cauvery - dammed and fractured
Inspite of the realisation that minimum flows are essential for rivers to maintain their health and biodiversity, water released from various dams in India continues to disregard minimum environmental flow requirements.
Cauvery river at Hogenakal, Karnataka. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos via Claire Arni and Oriole Henri)