A study that examined the contribution of tanks in groundwater recharge in urban Bengaluru found that presence of more impermeable surfaces in the city led to some amount of groundwater recharge from tanks, but was influenced by location, area concerned, water level fluctuations and alternative recharge sources available.
A study by CEEW study indexes 503 urban local bodies from 10 states with a treated used water reuse policy. Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab are ahead in used water management in India.
जानिए केरल के कोच्चि शहर में स्थित एलुवा स्टेट सीड फार्म के बारे में जिसे भारत का पहला कार्बन न्यूट्रल सीड फार्म है घोषित किया गया है क्यूंकि यह फार्म रसायनिक उर्वरकों का उपयोग नहीं करता है
As cities such as Bangalore grapple with the water crisis, understanding the value of conserving groundwater to prevent this from happening in the future is urgently needed!
The state government should formulate a comprehensive State Just Transition Policy, focusing on economic diversification, workforce skilling and development