Annual Environment Industry award:Ion Exchange Wins Best Company of the Year in Water & Waste Water Treatment Segment 2009
Ion Exchange emerged as winner of the Frost & Sullivan 2009 Environmental Excellence Awards for the - Best Company of the Year in the Indian Water & Waste WaterTreatment segment
Squatting with Dignity: Lessons from India -Book by Kumar Alok, 2010
A book that talks on the the rural sanitation network in India, its success stories and challenges faced
RFP - Development of standards, certification, test procedures and test facilities
This is a Request for proposal by the MNRE for development of standards, certification, test procedures and test facilities
Water credit and microfinance-Improving access to clean water and sanitation in the developing
With Matt Damon, KC's Gary White brings water to developing countries. Maybe he could turn on some ideas for our third-world streets
Nominations invited for Innovations in Services for Urban Poor Awards, 2010
To identify, recognise, and reward the best innovations in reaching out and impacting the lives of the burgeoning mass of urban poor, nominations are invited by the MoUD
Compilation of weekly round up of news - January 2010 (1- 8, 8 - 12, 12-18)
A compilation of weekly news update - January 2010
Kosi breach due to Bihar government's apathy: PAG
Bihar state government indicted for the breach in river Kosi embankment in 2008 by the Principal Accountant General (PAG).