Sustainable groundwater development through integrated watershed management for food security - A research report by ICRISAT
This paper by ICRISAT discusses the results from on-farm community watersheds through groundwater management as the drivers for sustainable management of watersheds in dry land areas.
Manual on drought management by the National Institute Disaster Management and the Ministry of Agriculture (2009)
This manual developed by the NIDM presents a comprehensive approach to drought management and recommends measures that can be implemented for effective drought relief and mitigation.
State-level utilization of funds and assets created through Ganga Action Plan - Report by Planning Commission for the Supreme Court (2009)
The report was prepared by the Water Resources Division in response to a Supreme Court directive to verify whether the funds allocated to Ganga Action Plan (GAP) had been utilized.
Solar water heaters in India: Market assessment studies and surveys for different sectors and demand segments by Greentech Knowledge Solutions
The report endeavors to study the Solar Water Heater (SWH) market in India, industry structure, demand and supply conditions, and value proposition.
Making climate look like trade? - Questions on incentives, flexibility and credibility - A policy brief by Centre for Policy Research
The policy brief published by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), India addresses the debates around climate change that took place before and after the Copenhagen Climate Conference (2009).
Optimum water management in a command area - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
This research report by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with optimum water management in the Lakhaoti command area under Madhya Ganga Canal.
Climate change threats to India's water resources and emerging policy responses - From the book 'Indian climate policy: Choices and challenges', by the Henry Stimson Centre.
This book published by Henry L. Stimson Centre highlights the richly diverse nature of India's views on climate change through a range of essays, focussing on the strengths and weakness of the policy.
Making NREGA work better: A brief note by Public Interest Foundation
This note by the Public Interest Foundation (PIF) presents a proposal for making National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) work better.