Lake series of Bangalore - Maps and Area - ENVIS (Govt of Karnataka)
The article focusses on the development of lakes that impound rainwater, store it for future use and ensure ground water recharge. They are the live ecological systems.
Historical maps of Indian towns and cities (1893, 1909, 1924)
This set of maps of Indian towns and cities between 1893 and 1924, give an idea of historical water bodies in each town/city, and can be compared with present day maps.
System of Rice Intensification and Paddy Cultivation - Maps developed by the WWF-ICRISAT Project
An interesting set of maps about Paddy and System of Rice Intensification (SRI) from the SRI India website gives a bird's eye view of the districts under SRI.
Rain water harvesting or drain water harvesting - A serious approach to water conservation needed
Conservation of water, reuse , recycling of water is essential, otherwise we may have to drain harvest wastewater for consumption purposes.
Historical evolution of tank system in Bangalore city - A presentation
The presentation emphasises the important role that the tank system has played in the development of the city of Bangalore along with its working and evolution.