Using energy pricing as a tool for efficient, equitable and sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation
The paper analyzes the potential impacts of energy pricing on efficiency, equity and sustainability in groundwater use and agricultural development.
Evolving an integrated approach for improving efficiency of electricity-driven pumping of groundwater for agriculture - A discussion paper by CWS and Prayas
This study explores possibilities of local energy and groundwater management in Andhra Pradesh with the involvement of farmers for constructive contribution in improving the situation.
Water Policy in India - A brief overview: A paper by Centre for Public Policy (IIM Bangalore)
This paper by the Centre for Public Policy (CPP) of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore provides an overview of the irrigation development post-Independence.
Estimation of replenishable groundwater resources of India and their status of utilization - A research paper by CGWB
The paper describes the methodology used in the groundwater resource estimation and the results of the latest country-wide assessment.
Rainwater harvesting in Mumbai: Application of GIS
This article focusses attention on the increasing water demand in urban areas because of industrialisation and population growth by giving the example of Mumbai.
Local catchment management in cities - A guidebook by UN-HABITAT
This guidebook by UN-HABITAT, provides an overview of the principles and practices required for sustainable urban water catchment management.
Burden of Inheritance: Can we stop manual scavenging? – A report by WaterAid India
This report outlines how over one million people in the country continue to scrape an existence through manual scavenging, forced largely by social convention and caste prejudice.
Pipeline distribution of water : A concept
The article offers a unique solution to the problem of drinking water scarcity in certain parts of the country. The solution could be the pipeline for supplying drinking water.
Sustainable groundwater development through integrated watershed management for food security - A research report by ICRISAT
This paper by ICRISAT discusses the results from on-farm community watersheds through groundwater management as the drivers for sustainable management of watersheds in dry land areas.