Hydrology in ancient India - A book by the National Institute of Hydrology (1990)
“Hydrology in Ancient India” summarizes and analyses the knowledge of various aspects of water resources and hydrology as contained in ancient Indian literature.
Rajon ki baoli, Mehrauli (Image Source: Sabita Kaushal, India Water Portal)
GRAMICID Food graded disinfectant for water and food Industries
Good quality dairy products are fast becoming a commodity of concern throughout the country. The concept of packaged dairy products has come in force, as it had never been before.
An insight on legal aspect of groundwater use by industries and water tax/rate/fee by Emami Paper Mills Limited
Groundwater is water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock.
Implementing Vessel Monitoring System in India : High costs involved
VMS is essentially a Global Position System carried on commercial fishing boats that transmits the boat's geographic position to various state enforcement agencies
A leaflet on hand washing in Assamese by Resources Centre for Sustainable Development
Project: Strengthening indigenous peoples response to multiple-use water services in villages near floodplain wetlands in Morigaon District, Assam
Latest status of the storage of important reservoirs in the country - CWC - PIB Release
Central Water Commission (CWC) is monitoring storage position of 81 important reservoirs spread all over the country
Common concerns - Latha Jishnu reports on the IASC in Down to Earth
As the commons come under increasing assault, academics, practitioners and policymakers come together to devise ways to protect shared resources