Toilet use in Uttarakhand: A mountainous issue
A study from remote villages in rural Uttarakhand finds that toilet use is influenced by geography, accessibility, availability of infrastructure and occupation of villagers.
Tanks and canals form the water supply system in a remote Uttarakhand village. (Image source: Chicu Lokgariwar)
Innovative government-NGO partnerships for development
The partnership between the NGO SEWA and Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board is an important policy shift that signifies NGOs can be competent providers of public services.
Trained and organised by SEWA, the women who repair hand pumps are called barefoot mechanics. (Photo by Amruta Mahakalkar)
Decoding Indian monsoon
Indian researchers provide new insights into forces governing Indian monsoons by recreating its history over 8000 years.
New findings on Indian monsoon.
Practice briefs from TNUSSP to showcase learnings
TNUSSP’s practice briefs give a lowdown on the learning from their research findings on sanitation in urban areas of Tamil Nadu.
Several behaviour modifications along with the full cycle of sanitation are important. (Source: IWP Flickr photos - photo used for representation only)
Where there are no sewers: The toilet cleaners of Lucknow
On this World Toilet Day, let's turn the spotlight behind the scenes of the sanitation chain, on those who clean out latrines where there are no sewers to carry away the waste.
The toilet cleaners of Lucknow (Image source: CS Sharada Prasad)