Health insurance smart card may be used for NREGS : MGNREGS news updates compiled by FES (May 15 - 31, 2011)
This news letter by FES presents a collated update of news related to MGNREGS
MP Government believes that thermal power plants are more important than farmers' livelihoods.
1500-1700 acres land of farmers are being purchased by a private company for thermal power station in Niwari Block of Tikam Garh, MP
Sharing the wealth of minerals – A report by Centre for Science and Environment on profit sharing with local communities
The Center for Science and Environment’s report on profit sharing in mining with local communities comes out in support of government’s recent proposal to share 26 per cent net profits
Biodrainage to combat waterlogging, increase farm productivity and sequester carbon in canal command areas of northwest India – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science deals with the use of biodrainage to combat waterlogging, increase farm productivity and sequester carbon in canal command areas of northwest India.