Save and grow - A policymaker’s guide to the sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production - FAO (2011)
This publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) titled “Save and Grow” is a guide for policymakers on the sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production. Save and grow says that while the Green Revolution led to a quantum leap in food production and bolstered world food security, intensive crop production has, in many countries, depleted agriculture’s natural resource base, jeopardizing future productivity.
A comparison of PureIt and Swach water purifier brands - Guest post by Mrinalini Goswami
PureIT and Swach are two different water purifiers innovated and manufactured by Hindustan Unilever Limited and Tata Chemical respectively and marketed as low cost water purifier. This post compares the two purifiers against a set of featres
Why India's 'growth' focus is ignoring the food access question - Article from Infochange India
How much food will India need to grow to feed our population in 2011-12? How much in 2013-14? Will we need to import wheat and rice or will we be self-sufficient? Do we know the environmental cost of this self-sufficiency? Are we willing to bear it? These are the questions that the Government of India, its ministries and its planning agencies must find answers to before the start of the Twelfth Five Year Plan period, which is 2012-17.
Corporate Disaster Recovery Network bags PC Quest Best IT Implementation Award 2011 for maximum social impact - Article from PC Quest
CDRN is an online portal that helps bring people together with the use of applications for supply-chain management, volunteer management and fund raising. By reducing the time and effort spent on sourcing funds and tools, it will increase the efficiency of relief work.
"No full stops for this rainman" - Interview with Shree Padre, farmer, water journalist and rainwater harvesting "evangelist" based in Kerala (2007)
Surplus water and deficit water are like two sides of a coin, and the processes of managing “surplus” water could not just impact people living in the dry lands, but also offer some pointers for those working on issues of desertification and drought. The insights that emerge from Shree Padre’s quest to uncover scattered success stories, disseminate information or analyse success itself, reveal that the community can be both the driving force and the beneficiary of better water management.
Prospects and policy challenges in the Twelfth Plan - A comment on the risks in Economic and Political Weekly
This note is in response to the article “Prospects and Policy Challenges in the Twelfth Plan” by Montek S Ahluwalia (Economic and Political Weekly, 21 May 2011)
Prospects and policy challenges in the Twelfth Plan: A special article by Montek Singh Ahluwalia in EPW
This paper by Montek Singh Ahluwalia in Economic and Political Weekly attempts to review the recent performance of the economy and lists the priorities and challenges for the Twelfth Plan.
Groundwater - Nation’s water lifeline suffering multiple crisis – A presentation by Himanshu Thakker
This presentation by Himanshu Thakker, South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and people (SANDRP) deals with key groundwater policy concerns - framework and equity issues, the emerging realities and responses. It begins with a description of the basic characteristics of groundwater and how the resource has become a private property resource by use and legal situation.