Himalayan solutions for cooperation and security in river basins : A report by Strategic Foresight Group
This report by the Strategic Foresight Group provides ideas for cooperative solutions to enhance water security in Asia.
Why India is losing its war on hunger – A case study by Oxfam
This case study by Swati Narayan, Oxfam discusses how India is confronted with an agrarian crisis and mass hunger, despite producing enough food to feed itself.
Low carbon strategies for inclusive growth - An interim report of the Planning Commission's expert group
This Interim Report of the Expert Group of Planning Commission on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth provides a menu of options that can reduce India’s emission intensity over the time frame.
Establishment and management of community sanitary complexes in rural areas - A handbook by Water and Sanitation Program
This handbook by Water and Sanitation Program gives a very useful insight on the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of sanitary toilet complexes in a sustainable way.
The lake and the well, part of a water master plan - Article by S. Vishwanath about Jakkur Lake in Bangalore
Multiple sourcing of water is now a necessity. This video describes Jakkur Lake which has been converted into a beautiful and bio-diverse wetland.
Hi-tech vs low-tech in the water sector in the village of Dandiganahalli near Bangalore - Article by S. Vishwanath
Dandiganahalli, very close to Bangalore, has a problem of high TDS in its water, meaning the water is too salty and brackish. Worse still it has Fluoride in it. The video explores appropriate means of dealing with this issue.
Public toilets In disrepair, villagers suffer - Video Volunteers : Article in India Unheard
This video looks at how lack of maintenance are leading to the decline of infrastructure and programs that are essential for public health
Centrally sponsored schemes ARWSP and TSC have not done enough to ensure right to water and basic sanitation : Article from Combat Law
Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) and the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) are charged with ensuring water and sanitation to all. This article discusses whether they have fulfilled their mandate
The water wheels of time: Micro hydro power in the Western Ghats of India
“My son insisted on light at home and I experimented based on a picture of a water wheel in his text book”, Krishna Rao, a farmer in the famous Coorg coffee estate district, in the Western Ghats of Karnataka told me. He was speaking of a micro-hydro system he had built himself – a locally made turbine connected to a second-hand electricity generator, which he pulled out of his vehicle.
Challenges of food security and its management: A position paper by the National Rainfed Area Authority
This position paper by the National Rainfed Area Authority attempts to address the challenges of food security through analysis of the present trend of growth in production, procurement and safe storage of different foodgrain crops