The dirty picture
A hard-hitting documentary film ‘Kakkoos’ looks at the politics behind the banned practice of manual scavenging and how the civil society connives to keep it alive.
Manual scavenging is a caste issue. (Image: Divya Bharathi, Facebook)
A look inside your water tanker
While the quality of water supplied by tankers is suspect, having different sources of water for different uses is a luxury that not many can afford.
Water tankers queue up to be filled.(Source:SaciWATERs)
Disappearing lakes and politics of corruption
Communities have as much part to play in protecting natural resources as the people in power. This case of a disappearing lake proves it.
Greywater irrigation more profitable
A study that finds many trees like eucalyptus grow better with greywater than ground water shows a better way to manage water.
Greywater from kitchen and bathroom. (Source: India Water Portal)
Looting water for fun
Hyderabad sources water for most of its amusements and recreation from villages nearby, depleting groundwater and creating water shortage for the villagers.
Now, Narmada is also a living entity
Policy matters this week
Narmada river (Source: Wikipedia commons)