Case studies on Drinking Water Management in Gujarat, based on the work of the Pravah Network (in Gujarati language)
Ccase studies on drinking water management in organising drinking water at the village level, along with rural communities of Gujarat
Why India needs to link rainfall to climate change
An interesting read that draws the need to link climate change with rainfall
Plastics in Packaging of Drinking Water - CIPET Mysore
A presentation that gives a brief overview of glass and plastics as water packaging materials and their comparative benefits, as well as recycling issues.
Bureau of Indian Standards - Packaged Drinking Water
A presentation detailing the BIS regulations applicable to Packaged Drinking Water.
Plastic Waste Management - Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
A presentation that gives a brief background of the various kinds of plastics used, the various categories and sources of plastic waste and the various recycling technologies available.
New Technologies for Water Purification - Ion Exchange (India) Limited
A presentation that gives details of new water treatment/purification technologies, being adopted by the industry today.
Packaged Water Industry in India - An Overview by Pepsico India
A presentation that gives a basic picture of the packaged drinking water market in India
Conformity Assessment and the Packaged Water Industry - An Overview by Underwriters' Laboratories
A presentation that gives details of packaged water certification program and describes the value of third party certification.
Book review: "The Big Necessity"
Two reviews of this very good book are below; one by Anuradha Hegde and one by Vijay Krishna
An update on ecosan work in India
An update on some recent work on ecological sanitation in India:
Indian groundwater extraction may be contributing to sea level rise
Where does the extracted groundwater go? Is it contributing to the rising sea level?