On technology and policy, on what works and what doesn't, on what should work and what can be scaled up... there have been numerous approaches and methodologies presented here at WHSC. That too, with a good number of case studies, substatiating the effectiveness of the chosen approach. Planning at micro and macro levels too, have been deliberated upon. But what seems to be the real limitation of any of these absolutely amazing projects to deliver change, is, decision making.
There could be a community led micro watershed development program showing good results, and there could also be large scale urban area artificial recharge project which has shown remarkable achievements in securing water needs of the city. What then should be the approach? How do we decide and develop an approach which balances technical and social aspects.
Durjoy Chakraborty in his talk on Water in India: A Sustainable Futuristic Vision presents a decision tree based approach. The major issues being familiar to us, (and can be tracked over the WHSC posts) I share two slides of Durjoy's presentation. Download his presentation here (pdf, 250 kb)