Judicious management of groundwater through participatory hydrological monitoring – A manual by APWELL
This report developed under the APWELL project deals with participatory hydrological monitoring in an effort to sensitize the individual groundwater users on judicious use of groundwater.
Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission (2005-2010)
A fiscal document that makes recommendations for restructuring public finances, describes trends in central & state finances, makes assessment of revenue & expenditure and explains sharing of union tax revenues.
Orissa water tariff revision - The Orissa Gazette - Housing and Urban Development Department (2005)
This document provides the details of the revisions suggested in the water tariff for domestic, industrial, commercial and institutional consumers and of sewerage maintainance charges in urban areas.
Maharashtra Act No. XVIII - Water Resources Department (2005)
This document describes the establishment, functions, reports and authority of the Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Act
The Maharashtra groundwater (regulation for drinking water purposes) act - International Environmental Law Research Centre (1993)
The Maharashtra Groundwater Act was framed to regulate the exploitation of groundwater for the protection of public drinking water sources.
Water stories from around the world - A book from Tulika Publishers
This collection retells stories from mythology and folklore to focus on the need to protect, conserve and value water.
Right to drinking water in India - A working paper by Centre for Economic and Social Studies
This paper argues that the entry of corporate capital in water sector together with the role of the State, poses threat to realization of the right to water for poor and marginalized groups in India
The Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act - Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation (1987)
This document describes the Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act and includes the title, definition of terms, constitution of the urban development authority, power, officers and servants.