Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy on Infrastructure in Orissa (2007)
This document describes the policy facilitating public private partnerships for infrastructure development in the state of Orissa and includes the background and objectives of the policy.
The Karnataka urban development authorities act - Infrastructure Development Department (2007)
This document describes the Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act and includes the title, definition of terms, constitution of the urban development authority, power, officers and servants.
River basin management: A negotiated approach - A report by Both ENDS and Gomukh
A report that builds its analysis on real life experiences, including both successful and less successful attempts to implement and scale up local water management techniques.
Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure policy of Maharashtra - Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (2006)
This article describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra, its background, industrial scenario, objectives and targets.
Policy statement on environmental protection and conservation of resources - Department of Environment (Government of West Bengal) (1995)
This document provides the details of the policy statement on environmental protection and conservation of resources by the Government of West Bengal.
Institutional Arrangements - Ministry of Water Resources (2010)
This document informs of the mechanisms through which development, conservation and management functions related to water as a natural resource are carried out in India.
Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) newsletter for September 2010 : "Training of Trainers on Community Led Total Sanitation in Gulbarga, Karnataka"
Highlights of the September newsletter from CLTS deal with the training of trainers on Community Led Total Sanitation in Gulbarga, Karnataka and other stories.
Urban local initiatives and government responses: A case of Dev Nadi in Pune
Most of the rivers and streams in urban India are dead. Race to urbanisation has cost us these once-beautiful water bodies. One story from many - Pune's Dev Nadi
Tank irrigation in semi-arid tropical India: Economic evaluation and alternatives for improvement - A report by ICRISAT
A report that analyses the tank=irrigation density in the two semi-arid tropic states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
Mitigating the potential unintended impacts of water harvesting - A WHiRL Research Report
Water balance studies in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have shown that water harvesting programmes impact significantly on patterns of water use and that this can result in distinct winners and losers.
India’s water economy: Bracing for a turbulent future
How to combat the water crisis in india? This discusses the major development and management crisis and assess the critical measures for addresal of these
Review of right to water: Human rights, state legislation, and civil society initiatives in India
The report engages with the idea of rights (and the right to water) to bring questions of social justice and equity to the forefront.
Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization: The Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada valley struggle
The analysis of the role of law and courts in the Narmada valley struggle to understanding the relationship between law, social movements and counter-hegemonic globalisation.