‘Samajik Parivarthan Yatra’ (National Yatra for Social Transformation)
Gaining momentum: the Samajik Parivartan Yatra brings together the safai karamcharis to fight for social justice and an opportunity to equal life
Takeaways from NEERI brainstorming workshop - Water technology developers and other stakeholders
Engaging better with different stakeholders involved with bringing scientific innovation in the water sector to reach large numbers of people who need the innovations.
Brainstorming workshop on interface between water technology developers and other stakeholders by NEERI
A workshop to develop an interface between water technology developers and other stakeholders
Steel and Concrete Structures: Design and Technology - A Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Enhancing the Civil Engineering Course on the broad subject of Design and Technology of Steel and Concrete Structures
Floods, Rains - News Roundup (1-7 October 2010)
News reports on the monsoon indicate heavy rainfall and flooding in parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Indian farmers fight billionaire Mittal and Posco, a leading company in steel making, for water rights in Orissa : News roundup (1-7 October 2010)
Indian farmers fight billionaire Mittal and Posco, a leading company in steel making, for water rights in Orissa and other stories in the news roundup for week ending 7 Oct 2010.
National Water Academy training programmes now open to Indian citizens
NWA conducts training programs that cover all aspects of water resources development and management at basin scale