The Karnataka urban development authorities act - Department of Urban Development (Government of Karnataka) (1987)
The Karnataka urban development authorities act document gives a description of the terminology used, details on the authority, acquisition of land, property & finance and the roles and responsibilities of the personnel
The Bangalore metropolitan region development authority act - Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority (1985)
A document that provides details of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act: Its powers & functions, definition of terms and details of finance, accounts & audits
Cleaning Paondhoi river : Marching ahead on the path of success
Celebration of people's realisation and tradition at Paondhoi.
The Bangalore development authority act - Bangalore Development Authority (Government of Karnataka) (1976)
This document provides a detailed description of the act which includes definition of terms used, the structure and resonsibilities of the authority, development schemes, land acquisition, property & finance and art commission
The Uttar Pradesh urban planning and development act - Housing and Urban Planning Department (Government of Uttar Pradesh) (1973)
This document describes the Act, which intends to provide for the development of certain areas of Uttar Pradesh, where the problems of town planning and urban development need to be tackled resolutely and the existing local bodies and other authorities inspite of their best efforts have not been able to cope with these problems to the desired extent.
Coastal zone management - Department of Ecology and Environment (Government of Karnataka) (1991)
This document describes the Karnataka coastal zone management plan and the details of the authorities involved in the implementation of the plan.
The Andhra Pradesh infrastructure development enabling act - Finance Department - Government of Andhra Pradesh (2001)
A document providing details of the Andhra Pradesh infrastructure development enabling act including the process, risks, rights , establishment of conciliation board, its proceedings and funds available.
The Andhra Pradesh drainage cess act - The Andhra Pradesh Gazette (1985)
This document provides the details of this Act that aims at providing for the levy and collection of Drainage Cess on all lands comprised within the Delta Area of the Krishna, Godavari and Penna rivers in the State of Andhra Pradesh for purpose of raising funds to meet to the expenses incurred on Drainage Schemes undertaken in the said delta area
The national green tribunal bill - Ministry of Environment and Forests (2009)
A document that gives details on the national green tribunal bill, by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, its jurisdiction, powers and authority along with the penalty clause for failure to comply.
The employment of manual scavengers and construction of dry latrines (prohibition) act - Directorate of Municipal Administration (1993)
This is a very important Act that calls for the prohibition on employment of manual scavengers as well as on the construction or continuation of the use of dry latrines. The Act also calls for the need to regulate, construct and maintain water-seal latrines.
The water (prevention and control of pollution) cess (amendment) act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (2003)
This document is an amendment of the earlier Act in 1977 and includes:
Amendment of Section 2

This includes redefinition of what constitutes industry and namely includes "operation or process, or treatment and disposal system, which consumes water or gives rise to sewage effluent or trade effluent, but does not include any hydel power unit"
The water (prevention and control of pollution) cess act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1977)
This document provides the details of the act to provide for the levy and collection of a cess on water consumed by persons owning certain industries and by local authorities, with a view to augment the resources of the central board and the state boards for the prevention and control of water pollution constituted under The water (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1974.
The water (prevention and control of pollution) act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1974)
This Act provides for the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintenance /restoration of the wholesomeness of water; and aids in the establishment of a board, which possesses the powers and functions of conducting activities and interventions in the context of prevention and control of water pollution.
The water (prevention and control of pollution) rules - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1975)
A document that details the rules underlying the Water (Prevention & control of Pollution) act and includes information on the committee formed, its powers & functions,its role & responsibilities, budget and associated accounts.
The national environment tribunal act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1995)
This document gives the details of the Act devised to provide for strict liability for damages arising out of any accident occurring while handling any hazardous substance and for the establishment of a National Environment Tribunal for effective and expeditious disposal of cases arising from such accident, with a view to giving relief and compensation for damages to persons, property and the environment and for matters connected therewith.
The national environment appellate authority act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1997)
A document detailing the provision of a National Environment Appellate Authority that will hear industry related appeals with respect to restriction of areas.
Model bill to regulate and control the development of groundwater - Ministry of Water Resources (1996)
A model bill that details the definitions & the process of implementation for the regulation & control of groundwater
The environment protection act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986,2001,2005)
A document that describes the Environment Protection Act and explains the terms used, the powers & functions of the government and the rules & regulations for prevention, control & abatement of environmental pollution.
The environment protection rules - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986)
This document provides information on the environment protection rules in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1906 (29 of 1986).