Earth sciences in watershed management – A presentation by ACWADAM
Groundwater cannot be directly observed on these pictures. The presentation outlines the scale as well as how to map for watershed management
The structure of the sub-surface – A presentation by ACWADAM
the physical environment of rocks and rock material hosts water, and hence, controls its accumulation and flow in the watershed.
Importance of groundwater – A presentation by ACWADAM
Used, overused and abused: understanding the importance of groundwater
Groundwater drops to alarming levels. Artist: KN Balraj
Urban development - Mid-term appraisal of the eleventh five year plan - Report by the Planning Commission
The highlights of the Planning Commissions mid-term appraisal report for Urban development
Rural development - Mid-term appraisal of the eleventh five year plan - Report by the Planning Commission
The highlights of the Planning Commissions mid-term appraisal report for Rural development
TheWater Channel news flash - Video contest
The water channel announces the video contest "Water, Climate and.....Action!"
Integrated Data Management Systems using Geographic Information Systems – A presentation by ACWADAM
GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends.
Chemistry of groundwater – A presentation by ACWADAM
Quality of water is quintessential. Quality of groundwater supply determines where and for what it can be used.
Groundwater balance – A presentation by ACWADAM
The difference between infiltration & recharge, natural & artificial recharge and interflow & discharge are explained to understand the subject of groundwater balance