Survey of recent sanitation achievement in Himachal Pradesh - A study by Institute of Development Studies
A 'Sanitation revolution' is attributed to Himachal Pradesh. The Institute of Development studies examines this phenomenon
Urban floods in Bangalore and Chennai – Risk management challenges and lessons for sustainable urban ecology – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science presents the risk management challenges and lessons for sustainable urban ecology
A citizen initiative to save Puttenahalli Lake in JP Nagar, Bangalore
In a refreshing turn of events, this citizen-driven initiative has seen slow but steady results, showing that perseverance really can pay off.
Forget Prometheus and remember Bhagiratha: Wrong and right thinking about rivers ' - Shri Ramaswamy Iyer s lecture at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (June 2011)
One of the foremost experts on water management in India Shri. Ramaswamy R. Iyer shares his view on Wrong and Right Thinking about our Rivers.
Recent landslides in Uttarakhand - Nature’s fury or human folly – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science deals with the recent landslides in the hill slopes in the Uttarakhand Himalayas, which are known for their instability due to ongoing tectonic activity.
Economic valuation of forest soils - Study published in Current Science
This study aimed to determine the effect of conservation activities carried out in the forests on soil fertility status and to calculate the resultant economic impacts.
Public Private Partnerships in the water sector: Partnerships or privatisation - A report and video by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
A report and video detailing Public Private Partnerships in the water sector, their current status and investment requirements.
Understanding the local controls of glacial retreat from the Baspa valley in Himachal Pradesh – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science reports the role of remote sensing and geographical information system in the identification of geomorphic records