Introducing a new farming technique (SRI) in the Gangetic plains,Bihar
Nagasubramanian works for the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), a non-denominational, non-government development organization working in Gujarat since 1984. AKRSP (India) works as a catalyst for the betterment of rural communities by providing direct support to local communities to enhance their livelihood and develop models for sustainable natural resource management and human resource development. Its operations in Bihar were started in mid-2008 and in this narration; Nagasubramanian shares his experience of promoting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) among the farmers in Bihar during the initial phase.
Farmers groups conserve traditional rice varieties in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh
The Bastar region was once famous for over 20,000 rice varieties. These are now under threat. Dharohar Samiti, a farmer's organization is working to promote agro bio-diversity conservation and secure livelihood and nutrition to farmers.
Climate change hits food production
Researchers from Stanford University studied global production of four major crops, maize, wheat, rice and soybean. The results of the study are presented in this article
Economic and Political Weekly 2011: Review of Agriculture (June 25 - July 8, 2011)
Review of AgricultureHalf a century ago, scholars first noticed that small farms in India demonstrated a higher per acre productivity than large farms. In the 21st century these farms still produce more per acre than large farms. We should be looking at making the most of the higher agricultural productivity on small landholdings.
Where earlier seed varieties were seen as a crucial input for Indian Agriculture, it is now water that has become a critical resource because of its over-exploitation and wasteful use on crop land. In the search for better ways to harvest and use water resources, there has been tendency to hark back to the past and look at small and localized systems, but we forget that the demographic settings then were different and we do not acknowledge the fact that the institutional settings of the time made for inequitable access.
AS the government grapples with modifying the 2002 National Water Policy, an independent effort is made to formulate a draft that looks at water use in all areas in a holistic manner. These and other articles in this review look at different aspects of Indian Agriculture.