Lakes, Ponds and Wetlands

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May 6, 2024 In our quest to spotlight dedicated entrepreneurs in the water sector, we bring you the inspiring story of Priyanshu Kamath, an IIT Bombay alumnus, who pivoted from a lucrative corporate career to tackle one of India's most intricate water quality challenges, that of pollution of its urban water bodies.
Innovative solutions to clean urban water bodies, Floating islands (Photo Credit: Priyanshu Kamath)
April 28, 2024 जानिए क्या कारण है कि चंपावत जिले की एकमात्र झील श्यामलाताल आज अपने अस्तित्व को तलाश रही है और तकरीबन 7 मीटर गहरी झील में अब सिर्फ एक से डेढ़ मीटर पानी रह गया है।
चंपावत की श्यामलाताल झील, प्रतीकात्मक
October 28, 2023 While Delhi NCR is undergoing rapid urbanisation, what is the state of the wetlands in the region? A study finds out.
Okhla Bird Sanctuary, Noida (Image Source: Awankanch via Wikimedia Commons)
September 21, 2023 PESA Act unleashed: The Mahila Sangh's ongoing governance transformation
Women from the Mahila Gram Sangh (Image: FES)
May 17, 2023 Given Hamirsar's significance, the Jal Shakti Ministry had designated it as one of India's 75 water heritage monuments
Need to resuscitate the traditional water system and expand its catchment (Image: Raman Patel, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0)
Interstate water dispute and federalism - Governance of interstate river water in India - A paper published in the journal Civil and Environmental Research
This paper examines the methods and policies used before independence to tackle the problem of interstate river water disputes Posted on 23 Aug, 2012 11:25 AM

This paper published in the journal Civil and Environmental Research examines the methods and policies used before independence to tackle the problem of interstate river water dispute.

"Study finds Ganga-Bhagirathi delta slowly disappearing into the sea" - Roundup of the week's news (13-19 August 2012)
The roundup this week includes reports on disappearing of the Ganga Bhagirathi delta, law against overdrawing of power, closure of power plant in Odisha, shrinking of a lake in Kerala Posted on 21 Aug, 2012 05:44 PM

Study finds Ganga-Bhagirathi delta slowly disappearing into the sea

A study by noted geographer Prof Kalyan Rudra and funded jointly by the state and central governments has found that the world’s largest delta-the Ganga-Bhagirathi delta- is slowly disappearing into the sea.

"The black tsunami": An article by Green Systems, about the putrefying sewage discharged from our homes, offices and factories, that is accumulating under our oceans
This article draws attention to the huge amounts of sewage generated and discharged into the sea and rivers and warns that we urgently need to change the way we manage water Posted on 18 Aug, 2012 04:27 PM

With horror we saw on television, the Japanese experience of a huge 9.0 scale earthquake, followed by a terrible tsunami. The first images show large amounts of black water entering the country side and passing over the protective wall barriers.

"Water governance in Assam: Priorities for knowledge-based interventions" - Report of a consultation organised by Aaranyak, at Guwahati, Assam in June 2012
The state of Assam faces some unique challenges. Some of these include a high preponderance of natural disasters, difficult terrain, and water induced hazards Posted on 17 Aug, 2012 03:35 PM

Assam, the biggest of the seven North-eastern states of India, is a melting pot of various communities from various regions. The state with abundant natural resources and rich historic heritage, however, is faced with unique challenges.

A story of resurgence - A video featuring the revival of Doling lake, Sikkim
This video by Usha Dewani features an initiative by the Government of Sikkim on reviving the Doling lake in Rabongla, South Sikkim. Posted on 17 Aug, 2012 03:26 PM

In an unique attempt by the Government of Sikkim, the lake that was once seasonal, now has water throughout the year.

"Aajao Pukur Aamader" by Nirupama Adhikari - Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book “Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab”
This book titled “Aajao Pukur Aamader” is the Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book in Hindi “Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab” which has been a runaway success for several years. Posted on 21 Jul, 2012 09:49 PM

cover pageAnupam Mishra is an environmental activist and currently works with the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi. The inspiring contribution dealing with the indigenous water systems of central India has been translated by Nirupama Adhikari into Bengali.

"Pani, hum aur Anupam" - A talk on rainwater harvesting by Anupam Mishra on NDTV
This film brings into light hard hitting facts centered around water management issues Posted on 14 Jul, 2012 05:00 PM

Privatisation of water services in New Delhi : Myth and reality - Report by Water Privatisation - Commercialization Resistance Committee
This booklet argues that are attempts being made in India to privatise and commodify water, which is a retreat from our constitutional and economic duty and from our own human obligations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 12:40 PM

Residents of Delhi have been protesting against privatisation of water atleast since 2005.

A study on the issues of the inland fisheries and the policy framework governing the sector
Inspite of the immense potential of rainfed fisheries sector in India, fishing cooperatives have failed to function properly making it an unviable enterprise in the country Posted on 07 Jul, 2012 03:04 PM

Issue of Commons and institutional arrangements:

Land, water and local people - A case study of the Bangalore Mysore Infrastructure Corridor - A Masters' dissertation - Tata Institute of Social Sciences
This study traces the impact of the Bangalore–Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (BMIC) project on the lakes in the villages around the project area Posted on 15 Jun, 2012 07:28 PM

LakeThis thesis/report presents the findings of a study that was conducted for the fulfillment of the Masters degree at the School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
