Lakes, Ponds and Wetlands

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May 6, 2024 In our quest to spotlight dedicated entrepreneurs in the water sector, we bring you the inspiring story of Priyanshu Kamath, an IIT Bombay alumnus, who pivoted from a lucrative corporate career to tackle one of India's most intricate water quality challenges, that of pollution of its urban water bodies.
Innovative solutions to clean urban water bodies, Floating islands (Photo Credit: Priyanshu Kamath)
April 28, 2024 जानिए क्या कारण है कि चंपावत जिले की एकमात्र झील श्यामलाताल आज अपने अस्तित्व को तलाश रही है और तकरीबन 7 मीटर गहरी झील में अब सिर्फ एक से डेढ़ मीटर पानी रह गया है।
चंपावत की श्यामलाताल झील, प्रतीकात्मक
October 28, 2023 While Delhi NCR is undergoing rapid urbanisation, what is the state of the wetlands in the region? A study finds out.
Okhla Bird Sanctuary, Noida (Image Source: Awankanch via Wikimedia Commons)
September 21, 2023 PESA Act unleashed: The Mahila Sangh's ongoing governance transformation
Women from the Mahila Gram Sangh (Image: FES)
May 17, 2023 Given Hamirsar's significance, the Jal Shakti Ministry had designated it as one of India's 75 water heritage monuments
Need to resuscitate the traditional water system and expand its catchment (Image: Raman Patel, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0)
Bikramgarh Jheel in Kolkata, gets a new lease of life
This article by Rina Mukherjee describes the efforts made by the non governmental organisation Nature mates to restore Bikramgarh Jheel in Kolkata Posted on 12 Oct, 2012 12:15 AM

In a city where land prices are climbing up by the day, and homes must be constructed for a growing population on scarce land, water-bodies are falling prey to the avaricious schemes of land-sharks. But as water-bodies disappear, groundwater levels fall.

"Protests rock Cauvery basin as Karnataka releases water to Tamil Nadu in keeping with Supreme Court directive" - Roundup of the week's news (24-30 September 2012)
The newsround up this week informs of water disputes between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, news related to water pollution, and impacts of river waters on agriculture Posted on 09 Oct, 2012 04:10 PM

Protests rock Cauvery basin as Karnataka releases water to Tamil Nadu in keeping with Supreme Court directive

The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the Western Ghats, India- A report by International Union for Conservation of Nature
This report presents the outcomes of the Western Ghats Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment project Posted on 26 Sep, 2012 10:27 AM

This report by International Union for Conservation of Nature presents the outcomes of the Western Ghats Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment project, which was developed with the intention of compiling and making freely available information on the conservation status and distribution of key group

National water framework law – An explanatory note developed by the Sub-Group of Planning Commission’s Working Group on Water Governance for the Twelfth Plan
This note on the national water law provides an account of why a national water law is necessary Posted on 19 Sep, 2012 05:30 PM

This explanatory note by the Planning Commission on the national water law begins with an account of why a national water law is necessary.

"Lapodia - Ekti drishtanto" - Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra's booklet by Nirupama Adhikary, about the successful efforts of Lapodia village in Jaipur, Rajasthan in harvesting rainwater
This booklet, Lapodia-ekti drishtanto - is a Bengali translation of the original Hindi publication. Posted on 19 Sep, 2012 02:57 PM

Collective community efforts can help overcome the vagaries of nature and rejuvenate pastures and farms to restore prosperity, says Dr Anupam Mishra in his booklet outlining a case study of Lapodia, a village in Rajasthan. 

Lapodia - Ekti drishtanto"
Guidelines for the green development of Kerala - Draft report on the outcomes of the Kerala State Environmental Convention organised in Trivandrum (2nd and 3rd September 2012)
This report is an outcome of the two day Kerala Environmental Convention organised by the Kerala Paristhiti Aikya Vedi in Trivandrum Posted on 15 Sep, 2012 05:31 PM

This draft report by the Kerala Paristhithi Aikya Vedi is an outcome of the Kerala State Environmental Convention, a two day convention that was organised in Trivandrum, Kerala by calling upon various environmental and social organisations, concerned citizens, experts,  political leaders in the state to discuss the environmental crisis that the state has been facing in recent years.

Video interview with water expert Avinash Krishnamurthy - Beyond the tap - Managing our water resources
This video episode presents the views on what urban dwellers must do to manage the water in a sustainable and ecologically kinder manner Posted on 11 Sep, 2012 08:11 PM


Churning still water – Briefing paper by the Centre for Science and Environment on the state of urban water bodies, conservation and management in India
This briefing paper on the state of urban water bodies, conservation and management in India, has tried to bring out the threats to the urban water bodies in India Posted on 10 Sep, 2012 10:58 PM

Urban water bodies are encroached, full of sewage, garbage or just filled up and built over these days.

Report on Indian Mountain Initiative Sustainable Mountain Development Summit 2 held at Gangtok, Sikkim between May 25-26, 2012
The second Sustainable Mountain Development Summit of the Indian Mountain Initiative (IMI) was held on May 25 at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok Posted on 09 Sep, 2012 03:57 PM

Around 250 delegates from eleven hill states of India along with representatives from Darjeeling hills participated in the two days summit. It was organized by Ecotourism and Conservation Society of Sikkim (ECOSS) jointly with Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA).

Resource availability for water supply to Bangalore City, Karnataka - An article published in the journal Current Science
This article highlights the acute water scarcity that Bangalore has been facing over the years and examines the availability of resources in terms of climatic conditions, rainfall and water resources Posted on 25 Aug, 2012 03:05 PM

BangaloreThis article published in the journal Current Science highlights the acute water scarcity that the city of Bangalore has been facing ove
