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Enabling empowerment: The CORD approach towards rural development in Himachal Pradesh
This article describes the strategy proposed by the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) for achieving inclusive growth in rural India Posted on 11 Oct, 2012 08:50 AM

The Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) has been working in rural India since 1985. Since then , it has had an impact in 600 villages in 4 states of India.

Squatting rights - Study by Dasra highlights the issue of access to toilets in urban India
This report focuses on the poor sanitation situation in India and argues that non profits can play an important role by in creating innovative, impactful models for sanitation Posted on 10 Oct, 2012 08:11 PM

coverDasra, a strategic philanthropy foundation in collaboration with Omidyar Network and

Strategy for the development of mineral industry for the 12th five year plan- Report of sub-group-II on metals and minerals of the Planning Commission
This document presents the strategy for short term and long term development of minerals Posted on 09 Oct, 2012 03:27 PM

This report by Planning Commission is an outcome of the study the output levels of various mineral industries.

MGNREGA: Operational guidelines- Draft by Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development
This document provides information on the operational guidelines for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNERGA) Posted on 08 Oct, 2012 04:13 PM

This draft by Department of Rural Development under Ministry of Rural Development, is on the operational guidelines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNERGA).

NREGS: Interpreting the official statistics- A paper in Economic and Political Weekly
This article evaluates the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS’) and comments on its disappointing performance Posted on 07 Oct, 2012 03:53 PM

This article in Economic and Political Weekly evaluates the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS’) according to the following four criteria:

There is much to know about water filter systems: A brief look at the main types of water filters in the market
This article provides an overview of the main types of water filters available in the market Posted on 07 Oct, 2012 11:09 AM

Many of us live in areas where water quality is not as good as we would like, in some cases long-term exposure to contaminants in public water systems or private may be hazardous to your health. Fortunately, there are many water systems different filter on the market, ranging from relatively inexpensive to more expensive whole-house systems.

The Nirmal Bharat Yatra - A different mindset, a different thought - The story of Goonj
This is the story of Goonj, an NGO that started Vastra Samman meaning providing clothes to needy people with dignity Posted on 06 Oct, 2012 12:57 AM

The basic facilities that the government promises is food, shelter and clothing; but so many a times in the midst of fulfilling the food and shelter criteria, they forget about the clothing aspect which actually is one of the most important of them all.  But one such NGO realized it’s importance and took it in their hands to ensure that this aspect was taken care of.

Water supply and sanitation in India - Meeting targets and beyond- A discussion Paper by Global Water Forum
This paper sheds light on the progress made in terms of safe water and sanitation targets in the context of the Millenium Development Goals Posted on 04 Oct, 2012 09:16 PM

This discussion paper by Global Water Forum sheds light on the progress on access to safe water

The Nirmal Bharat Yatra - Stop 1 -"We don’t talk about it at all !" The taboo of menstruation in rural Maharashtra, a major deterrent in achieving menstrual hygiene
Breaking the taboo of menstruation in rural India, a major deterrent in achieving menstrual hygiene Posted on 02 Oct, 2012 05:40 PM

Priyanka, 13 and a chirpy adolescent girl studying in a government school in a village called ‘Rohini Gaun’ 25 kms from Wardha in Maharashtra blushes and says, "We don’t talk about it at all!".

Tragedy of the commons - Ground Water: Indiscriminate use of common resource, a real concern today
Increase in the number of apartments and independent houses along with the increase in the population has lead to deeper borewells and exploitation of groundwater. Posted on 28 Sep, 2012 02:11 PM

Author : Pavan Swaminathan
