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Down To Earth features rainfed farming as its cover story
Without addressing the problems of majority of farmers in unirrigated land, India will not achieve food security Posted on 05 Aug, 2007 08:41 AM

downtoearth.bmp Down To Earth's latest issue (July 31st 2007) features rainfed farming as their cover story.

Water resources minister Saifuddin Soz's letter to chief ministers to draw their attention towards water issues
Appropriate water resources information system should be put in place at the earliest for better monitoring, Prof. Saifuddin Soz, 17:42 IST Posted on 24 Jul, 2007 01:41 AM

soz.jpgProf. Saifuddin Soz, the Union Minister of Water Resources has written to Chief Ministers drawing their attention to some of the important issues related to water resources, viz.

May-June issue of "Dams,Rivers and People" : Study from Brazil on the global warming impact of methane emissions from large dams
May-June issue of "Dams,Rivers and People" : Study from Brazil on the global warming impact of methane emissions from large dams Posted on 05 Jul, 2007 04:38 AM

drp.png The May-June issue of "Dams, Rivers and People" is out and available here.

"Towards Water Wisdom":New book by Ramaswamy Iyer
"Towards Water Wisdom":New book by Ramaswamy Iyer Posted on 04 Jul, 2007 10:55 AM

(Image is from the Sage Publications webpage listed below)


Limits, Justice, Harmony
RAMASWAMY R IYER : Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi

The Water Portal and Arghyam mentioned in an article in the Hindu
Water-related targets can benefit from community and NGO involvement and oversight, supplementing slow political processes. NGOs such as Arghyam have considerable financial and advocacy resources to influence policy and intervene directly in the area of water. Posted on 29 Jun, 2007 08:10 AM

The Water Portal and Arghyam were mentioned quite prominently in an article on "Water Access and Citizens' Movements" on the Hindu Op-Ed page

Project Manager requirement at Arghyam
Posted on 12 Apr, 2007 01:42 AM

As a follow up to our second Annual Conference last week, Arghyam is looking for a dynamic individual to join our team and lead our new Urban Water Initiative.

Request for proposals to perform research on household water treatments:PATH
Posted on 31 Mar, 2007 11:38 AM

PATH is an international non-profit working in the area of health. They asked us recently if we could publicise their RFP for for performance of household research on household water treatment and storage perceptions and practices in India.

ICT applications for socio-economic development of farmers
Notes from C-DAC ICT for socio-economic development conference held in Bangalore. Rural kiosk was the topic of discussion in the conference Posted on 20 Mar, 2007 11:32 AM

Nandini and I attended the C-DAC ICT for Socio-Economic Development conference on 11th,12th and 13th of this month in Bangalore. Primarily we were interested in spreading awareness about the Portal among the attendees. Following are some notes from there: Overall I thought the conference was very good. There was a lot of energy and interest and several good initiatives, and many of the speakers came across as smart and committed.
