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You can be saviour of many varieties of different plant, animal and bird species
Farmers over the years have made consistent efforts to domesticate different plant, animal and bird species and conserved thousands of varieties Posted on 16 Aug, 2012 10:29 AM

Farmers all over the world have taken thousands of years to domesticate different plant, animal and bird species; developed and conserved thousands of varieties in spite of wars, epidemics, floods, droughts or famines - all kind of disasters. But with due (dis)respect to our ancestors, thousands of species were abandoned/ killed/destroyed (mostly during the last half a century).

Supreme Court’s Order on Tiger Reserve Buffers encourages illegalities - A press release by Future of Conservation Network
The interim order of the Supreme Court on the matter of tourism in core areas of Tiger Reserves, has created a situation of serious illegalities Posted on 15 Aug, 2012 08:49 PM

 In their rush to notify buffer areas, which the Court directs should be done within three weeks, state governments are bypassing and violating the processes laid out in the Wild Life Protection Act and the Forest Rights Act. The Amicus Curae (Raj Panjwani) does not seem to be adequately informing the Court on these violations.

Drop of life - A film on how to combat water crisis
This film is about two women from diverse backgrounds and their confrontation with lack of access to clean drinking water Posted on 15 Aug, 2012 02:08 PM

Set in the near future, the program is about the story of two women, a village teacher in rural India and an African American corporate executive, whose disparate lives intersect when they are both confronted with lack of access to clean drinking water

Water sanitation and hygiene advocacy and communication strategy framework (2012-2017)- A draft document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
This document is a framework to guide the execution of advocacy and communication efforts related to toilet construction Posted on 15 Aug, 2012 10:24 AM

This document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation is a draft of the WASH advocacy and communication strategy 2012-2017.

National disaster management information and communication system - Guidelines by National Disaster Management Authority (2012)
This document sheds light on the guidelines that have been prepared with a view to provide the necessary guiding principles to meet the requirements of dedicated disaster communication Posted on 14 Aug, 2012 06:42 PM

This document by National Disaster Management Authority, sheds light on the guidelines that have been prepared with a view to provide the necessary guiding principles to the central ministries/departments and the state governments for establishing a communication network to

Agritech interventions-harbingers of prosperity- A document by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010)
This document highlights the impact of inspiring interventions on agriculture and its allied sectors and provides information on 101 inspiring technological interventions by Krishi Vigyan Kendras Posted on 10 Aug, 2012 08:42 PM

This document by Indian Council of Agricultural Research contains the impact of inspiring interventions in agriculture and its allied sectors.

A workshop on the impacts of Mini Hydel Projects (MHPs) on ecology and people in Karnataka organised by Prakruti, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) and Save Western Ghats Movement
This article describes the details of a two day workshop on Impacts of Mini Hydel Projects (MHPs) on communities and ecology in Karnataka Posted on 10 Aug, 2012 12:22 PM

On the 4th and 5th of August 2012, Civil Society Organisations Prakruti, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) and Save Western Ghats Movement organised a two day workshop on Impacts of Mini Hydel Projects (MHPs) on Communities and Ecology in Karnataka, with a main objective to give voice to the numerous unrecorded impacts a

Minutes of the first meeting of sectoral innovation council, held on 5th July 2012 at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi- A document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
This document includes the minutes of the first meeting of sectoral innovation council. It sheds light on the need for innovation in rural water sector Posted on 09 Aug, 2012 07:48 PM

This document by Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation is on the minutes of the first meeting of sectoral innovation council. It sheds light on the need for innovation in rural water sector.

Draft policy for the exploration and exploitation of shale oil and gas in India- Policy document by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
This document is a draft policy for the exploration and exploitation of Shale oil and gas in India Posted on 09 Aug, 2012 02:53 PM

This document by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, is a draft policy for the exploration and exploitation of Shale oil and gas in India. The consumption of natural gas has increased in the recent times and is projected to increase even more in the coming years.

World Handloom Day August 7, 2012: Promotion of handloom sector should be accompanied by advocacy of environmental conservation
This article argues for the need to encourage sustenance of environmentally friendly handloom base textile production Posted on 08 Aug, 2012 10:35 AM

On August 7th, many groups all over the world need to come together and participate in a "World Handloom Day" in their respective countries and states to celebrate the sustenance of handloom-based textile production and asking Governments to be more responsible to the people dependent on such livelihoods.  In Asian Countries, where handloom production is a major econom
