Saving Ramgarh Lake
All efforts to rejuvenate the lake near Jaipur have failed as authorities continue to ignore obstructions to its natural flow.
The reservoir that has been dry for the last 10 years.
No man's land
The state of the poromboke lands in Chennai signifies the deteriorating nature of its ecology. Saving them is important not just to preserve a tradition but also to safeguard growing urban spaces.
The Ennore creek choked by fly ash. (Screen grab from the Chennai poromboke paadal)
Chennai takes the wooded road
Better green cover could be a way to reduce the extent of disaster a Vardah could bring. Here’s a lowdown on the trees that Chennai must have.
One of the many trees uprooted by cyclone Vardah in Chennai (Image: Seetha Gopalakrishnan, IWP)