Droughts and Floods

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May 18, 2024 A case study of women-led climate resilient farming by Swayam Shikshan Prayog
Building the resilience of women farmers (Image: ICRISAT, Flcikr Commons)
April 25, 2024 Understanding the impact of heat on our world
Rising temperatures, rising risks (Image: Kim Kestler, publicdomainpictures.net)
March 30, 2024 A recent study finds that climate change induced extreme weather events such as droughts can increase the vulnerability of women to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Droughts affect women the most (Image Source: Gaurav Bhosale via Wikimedia Commons)
January 22, 2024 This study finds that baseflows have a stronger triggering effect on river floods in Peninsular India as compared to rainfall and soil moisture.
River floods and groundwater, the connection. Image for representation purposes only. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
July 14, 2023 These states are at the forefront of flood early warning systems
Previously drought-prone areas are now facing floods (Image: Needpix)
July 7, 2023 WOTR study throws important new findings
The study by WOTR and Wageningen University researchers emphasizes the need to prioritize adaptive capacities alongside agricultural productivity (Image: WallpaperFlare)
Adaptive water resource management in the Lower Bhavani project command area in Tamil Nadu – A research report by IWMI
This study by IWMI explores the theory and practice of adaptive management based on a detailed field study in the Lower Bhavani project command area. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 11:07 PM


To what extent farmers and water resource managers already practice adaptive management and whether it is practiced in an optimal manner or could there be areas for improvement based on recent advancements in the theory of adaptive management are some of the questions that are particularly appropriate in the light of rapid changes in river basin water use and also in relation to basin closure.

This paper draws on the development and use of water resources in the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP), with the LBP reservoir and the 84,000 hectare (ha) LBP command area. The project diverts water from the Bhavani River, a tributary of the Cauvery River in Tamil Nadu.

Seasonal prediction of the Indian monsoon - A paper from Current Science
The paper attempts to predict seasonal monsoon using atmospheric models. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 02:07 AM

This paper published in Current Science presents the results of the national project on ‘Seasonal Prediction of the Indian Monsoon’ (SPIM), which involved a comparison of the skill of the atmospheric models used in the country for prediction of the summer monsoon, in simulation of the year-to-year variation of the summer monsoon rainfall over the Indian region for 1985–2004.

Boundary concepts for interdisciplinary analysis of irrigation water management – A working paper by Peter Mollinga
This paper by Peter Mollinga, University of Bonn reviews the boundary concept that has emerged in interdisciplinary irrigation studies in South Asia, particularly India. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 07:16 PM

The focus is concepts that capture the hybridity of irrigation systems as complex systems, and cross the boundaries of the natural and social sciences. 

River basin planning deconstructed
Chicu presents the report of the dialogue on mainstreaming river basin planning, 9th to 11th August, Delhi. Posted on 20 Aug, 2011 08:33 AM

Guest post by: Chicu

Rural drinking water supply and sanitation - Standard operating procedure for responding to natural disasters - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
The manual attempts to ensure quick and effective response during disasters to minimize casualties and enable quick recovery. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 08:37 PM

This standard operating procedure developed by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation includes all functions pertaining to disaster prevention, institutional mechanism, preparedness, early warning, relief, recovery and rehabilitation. It will apply to RWSS Department/ PHED/ PRED/ Sanitation Departments/ Board dealing with rural water supply and sanitation for natural disasters that the State is prone to. The standard operating procedure will not be applicable to nuclear, biological and chemical disasters.

Stemming the tide - Relief, reconstruction and development in coastal Andhra Pradesh – A report by Aga Khan Development Network
The report presents the outcomes of the three-year Andhra Pradesh Relief to Development project of the Aga Khan Development Network. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 02:35 PM

coverIts aim aim was to improve the capacity of target communities to better manage in times of disaster. To set in motion a process that would sustain a short-term project, the Aga Khan Development Network drew on guiding principles developed from its experiences of projects in disaster reconstruction and more comprehensive development programs: high-quality community-based interventions, working on multiple fronts, and fostering linkages with strong institutional partners.

At the core of the project’s disaster management and mitigation strategy was the creation of empowered and highly motivated community-based organizations; their participation was critical in shaping and implementing initiatives that would best serve the needs of the vulnerable, particularly women and children.

Role of cyclones and other factors in the decline of the ports of northern Orissa - Current Science
Cyclones and storm surges are the main factors responsible for the decline of ports, particularly along the northern Orissa coast, the article says. Posted on 30 Jul, 2011 01:23 AM

CyclonesThis article published in Current Scienc

The changing Himalayas - Impact of climate change on water resources and livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas – A report by ICIMOD
This report by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) deals with the impact of climate change on water resources and livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas. Posted on 27 Jul, 2011 09:56 PM

CoverThe greater Himalayan region “the roof of the world” – contains the most extensive and rugged high altitude areas on Earth, and the largest areas covered by glaciers and permafrost outside the polar regions.

The sector programme and climate change initiatives in Uttarakhand
Climate change is one of the most serious threats to the environment, health and economy of our nation as well as the whole world. Posted on 27 Jul, 2011 02:54 PM

Recent scientific studies show that global warming is already causing environmental changes that will have significant global economic and social impacts. As the world's 4th largest emitter of greenhouse gases, India has to juggle the imperative demand for economic development with pressures for greater efficiency in the use of energy.

Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system when considered over long periods of time, regardless of cause. Climate change reflects a change in the energy balance of the climate system, i.e. changes the relative balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation from Earth. The threat emanates from accumulated green house gas emissions in the atmosphere, generated through long term and intensive industrial growth and high consumption life styles of developed countries.

India must prepare for future growth by planning a low-water economy - Article in YaleGlobal Online by Rohini Nilekani
If initiatives are not pushed forward, water will become the constraining factor in the quest for inclusive and sustainable growth, says Rohini Nilekani. Posted on 19 Jul, 2011 12:37 PM

Article and Image courtesy: YaleGlobal Online
Author: Rohini Nilekani

India and China account for one third of the world’s population; each consumes more freshwater than other nations. Per inhabitant per year, though, India uses less than half what’s used in the US, China uses less than one third. This YaleGlobal series examines India and China’s water use, their expectations for rising demand and recognition that shortages will disrupt economic progress.

The Planning Commission of India repeatedly warns that water will become a more serious issue than land or energy for India in years to come, points out Rohini Nilekani, in the second article of the series. India’s transition from an economy based on agriculture to a mixed one, with water use controlled by states rather than the federal constitution, already leads to conflicts. She urges planning for a low-water economy. Good governance and regulatory frameworks can prevent pollution and waste, while encouraging efficiency, reliable and fair allocation, and wise consumer choices.

Thirsty earth: Indian villagers in Gujarat gather to draw water from a wellThirsty earth: Indian villagers in Gujarat gather to draw water from a well
