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May 31, 2024 From scorching to sustainable: Building resilience against heatwaves
A multifaceted approach to urban heatwaves (Image: Sri Kolari)
April 30, 2024 As temperatures soar, what should India do to adapt to changing conditions to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change?
Heat waves sweep across India (Image: Maxpixel, CC0 Public Domain)
November 5, 2023 Honeywell’s environmental sustainability index, a quarterly index reveals a growing number of organisations globally are boosting annual sustainability investments by at least 50%, and are optimistic about achieving short- and long-term objectives
Environmental Sustainability Index gauges movement in corporate sentiment and investment on the sustainability front. (Image: Needpix)
May 4, 2023 Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the Indian monsoon
As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), instances of heavy rainfall have increased by almost 85% in the country since 2012 (Image: Marina, 2009,Wikimedia Commons)
January 17, 2023 रिस्कन नदी 40 किमी लंबी है। अब तक बने 5000 से अधिक खावों का प्रभाव कहीं-कहीं दिखाई देने लगा है। लेकिन एक नदी को जिंदा होने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है। रिस्कन नदी को बचाने हेतु उनके द्वारा माननीय प्रधानमंत्री महोदय, माननीय जल शक्ति मंत्री भारत सरकार व माननीय मुख्यमंत्री उत्तराखंड से भी निवेदन किया गया है।
एक खाव बनती हुई
December 12, 2022 Study looks at behavioral biases in crop insurance adoption
Adoption rate of crop insurance low in India despite government efforts (Image: PxHere, CC0 Public Domain)
Water crisis - A crisis that will redefine civilization
Water crisis is an impending crisis that will hit the rich as hard as the poor Posted on 16 Oct, 2009 03:27 PM

OneWorld South Asia looking for Research Associate – Climate Change
Posted on 15 Oct, 2009 12:02 PM

Job Description
• Manage content for OneWorld’s Integrated Knowledge System on Climate Change Adaptation (
• Conduct research on climate change and development
• Moderate/facilitate a discussion list on Bhoogyan
• Engage with partner organisations on related activities

Young Climate Savers programme:Teacher's manual on climate change and energy
WWF-India has designed the Young Climate Savers programme, aimed at imparting education on climate change through teacher training workshops and mainstreaming climate issues in the academic curriculum Posted on 14 Oct, 2009 01:52 PM

In realizing this vision, WWF-India has partnered with Tetra Pak in designing the Young Climate Savers programme, aimed at imparting education on climate change in 200 schools across 10 cities in India through teacher training workshops and mainstreaming climate issues in the academic curriculum.

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Outcomes:The Indian approach to climate change
A note on how India has tackled the ongoing climate discussions Posted on 14 Oct, 2009 12:29 AM
Recognising that climate change has of late transmuted from the geo-political to the political in the global arena, India  has tackled the ongoing climate discussions with suave diplomacy that is perhaps a trend-setter of sorts. 
The message has gone across loud and clear, that India will not accept categorically any legally binding
Calling for delegates: Investor Forum 2009: 29 & 30 October 2009, Mumbai
Posted on 13 Oct, 2009 10:28 AM

As you know that since 2006, NVI has been organizing an annual flagship event called “Investor Forum", that features information exchange and focused discussions on the issues affecting all stakeholders in the sustainability space and investor pitches by some of the most promising green businesses in India that are on look out for funding.

Climate change exhibition in New Delhi : Technology development and transfer
Posted on 04 Oct, 2009 10:51 AM

Image & Content Courtesy: Delhi Climate Change Exhibition/Conference

Water resources in Jhansi and Tikamgarh districts (Madhya Pradesh) - A status report (2007)
A status report on the Bundelkhand region and information on sanitation practices Posted on 03 Oct, 2009 05:56 PM

This status report prepared by Development Alternatives contains brief background information about the Bundelkhand region, details about the physical profle (topography, drainage and river systems, land usage, climate, rainfall), water resources information (water demand, availability, supply and accessibility) and information on sanitation practices (toilets, personal  hygiene, solid waste management, liquid waste disposal, availability of water for sanitation).

Countdown to the U.S. climate change bill which is to be filed on September 30th
A post on the outcome of the Climate Change Bill in the US Posted on 30 Sep, 2009 12:18 AM

The past week shall go down in climate history as the most active period in climate parley, punctuated with a frenzy of debates and compromises on the international table. 

India's effort at breaking the stalemate in climate commitments,needs to be applauded
A post on India's commitment to climate change Posted on 23 Sep, 2009 11:15 AM

Last week’s strategically timed declaration by India’s Jairam Ramesh, to set numerical targets for emissions, is a coup of sorts. Coming on the heels of U.S. administration’s shelving of the much hyped Climate and Energy Bill, this not only proves that India’s commitments on the climate front are more than honourable, but also places pressure on U.S. to perform on its climate commitments.

BALWOIS 2010 Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems for Decision Support, 25 May 2009, Macedonia
Posted on 22 Sep, 2009 10:16 AM

The BALWOIS 2010 Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems for Decision Support will be organised from 25 to 29 May in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. We are sending you short information, all information you can find on the website
