There is much to know about water filter systems: A brief look at the main types of water filters in the market

Many of us live in areas where water quality is not as good as we would like, in some cases long-term exposure to contaminants in public water systems or private may be hazardous to your health. Fortunately, there are many water systems different filter on the market, ranging from relatively inexpensive to more expensive whole-house systems. Given the importance of the issue and the possible confusion of having so many choices, it is worthwhile to better understand the main options.

In addition to studying the systems of different filter water, may not be a bad idea to get a copy of the report issued by the water quality of your city or county. Not all areas have these, and you may need to make a phone call or a visit to the Water Agency of this information. If water quality is good enough, you may not want to spend on a water system for whole house filter, for example, but may just want a pitcher for drinking water filtration.

In summary, the main types of water filter is summarized below:

  • Filter pitchers who can fill the sink and place in refrigerator. These generally include a carbon filter element is changed a few times a year.
  • A variation of the pitcher is Berkey water filter system, which provides nearly four liters per hour in a configuration that looks a bit like a cross between a large coffee and a bottled water dispenser as that would Sparkletts water or tip arrow. This system can run up to $ 300 or more, but incredibly effective way to filter out unwanted contaminants; Reportedly, you can remove food coloring from water, which normally would not be proof of that. This is more suitable for situations where you do not mind manually adding water, especially in rural or camping.
  • In-line filter cartridges are another option for water filtration systems. Often these come in a series of different filter elements designed to remove specific substances. The cost could be around a couple hundred dollars, depending on capacity and what type of filter you have to do (see the report that the quality of water). These can be placed in the water line leading to the kitchen sink, for example, to provide filtered water for cooking and drinking.

Filtration systems throughout the home can cost many thousands of dollars and are installed in the main line into the house (some even treat the water used for watering gardens, depending on water quality) and therefore must handle a capacity greater than the in-line filter cartridge assemblies. Some whole house systems have the ability to remove contaminants from the filter material, which prolongs filter life. These can be combined with water-softening systems.

The highest level of treatment comes from the filter system reverse osmosis water. Originally used in military vessels to make drinking water from sea water, modern systems are generally affordable, although the cost per gallon can run much higher than the filtered water (but cheaper than buying bottled water). Water is forced under pressure through a membrane which has tiny pores. Consequently, this filtering method is particularly effective. A typical reverse osmosis system include conventional filters to remove it easily before the water flows through the membrane. We suggest you not go with the cheaper products in this category, but it is a pressure vessel and if the production quality is poor, you will have all sorts of problems early.

Your choice of a water filter system depends on your needs (like, health problems), the budget and water quality before treatment. An organized approach of water facts to the selection of a filter system is the best way to ensure a wise decision.

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Post By: addison