Celebrating climate action
The UN in India brings together youth climate champions and policymakers to showcase green solutions pioneered by young Indians
Commemorating 76 years of the founding of the United Nations with a celebration of climate action in India (Image:  PxFuel)
Uttarakhand floods, a marker of climate change
Flash flood fury in Uttarakhand, a classic example of extended stay of monsoon
Floods in Uttarkashi, India. June 2013 (Image: Oxfam International)
Balancing water security with saving biodiversity in the river Beas
Will it be possible to achieve tradeoffs between meeting water needs of people and retaining river waters to sustain the rare and beautiful, but endangered Indus River Dolphin in the Beas river?
Beas river at Kullu, Himachal Pradesh (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Analysing data in-house
Taking stock of the state of art in in-house lightweight data analysis
Non-profits face challenges in analysing the data in-house (Image: FinAnalysis)
Global hunger index: Intersection of conflict and hunger
Without achieving food security, it will be difficult to build sustainable peace
India slips further in global hunger index (Image: Parij Borgohain, Pixabay)
Hand hygiene, a public policy issue
Interventions to promote hand hygiene should be designed based on an understanding of what people care about, says report on ‘State of the world’s hand hygiene’
Girls learn the value of hand-washing (Image: Kristen Kelleher, USAID, Pixnio)
Urgent action needed to embrace integrated water and climate policies
Asia suffered the highest economic losses from both floods and droughts compared to other regions in the last 50 years, says a report by the World Meteorological Organization.
Buildings and roads washed away, floods in Uttarkashi (Image: Oxfam International)
The smallholder's dilemma
The economic unviability of smallholder agriculture and the consequent agrarian distress
Smallholder farmers are pivotal to transforming the food systems (Image: Mahila Jagat Lihaaz Samiti)
India needs a comprehensive emissions database
India needs an official national emissions inventory for pollutants, as existing ones show 37% variation
Database needed to assess emissions from industries, power plants, road transport, domestic sources, and agricultural waste burning (Image: Pxfuel)
Social Stock Exchanges have evolved as a potential funding mechanism, says study
A framework study by Samhita of seven global exchanges and India’s proposed social stock exchange suggests that this could be a game-changer in the social impact segment.
SEBI Committee approves the creation of Social Stock Exchange in India (Image: Gerd Altmann-Pixabay)