Act to clean up the system
In our quest to feature unsung heroes who go about their good work silently, we met Pushpa RTI, an enthusiastic right to information activist, who fights for transparency in governance.
Women at Jan Jagriti Sanvad organised by Lok Shakti Manch. (Source: Lok Shakti Manch)
When money grows on trees
Gauging the economic value of an ecosystem can save it from degradation. But proper yardsticks need to be used without getting carried away by numbers.
At the watershed level, the valuation of forests may help design user pay schemes.
Water strategy: Ponds need pondering
Unregulated construction and use of farm ponds in Maharashtra have further aggravated the drinking water situation in water-scarce areas in the state.
A farm pond (Source: Renie Thomas, WOTR, Pune)