Indo-Gangetic river basins: Summary situation analysis by Challenge Program on Water and Food
A situation analysis of water, agriculture and poverty in the Indo-Gangetic basin
Simple water use accounting of Ganges basin - A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Assessing interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment in the Indo-Gangetic Basin with water use accounts
Groundwater regulation under consideration for Andhra Pradesh
Alarmed at the unsustainable groundwater usage in farming and resulting enormous public distress, the AP government is working on legislation to remedy the situation.
Water-use accounts in basins: Model concepts and description – A working paper by the Challenge Program on Water and Food
What is basin use accounting? How is it done? What is its contribution in synthesis work? What does it mean to asses water, food, poverty and environment? This paper examines these
Leh cloud-burst: A first-hand account
Climate change and its impact on Leh-Ladak: an account by Linkesh Diwan
Emerging groundwater crisis in urban areas – A case study of Bangalore city
Urbanisation and its toll on the groundwater recharge; Bangalore losing in the bargain
Dams and development: A new framework for decision-making - A World Commission on Dams report
The big fight: Are dams a necessity of urbanisation? Or, Are they destroyers of Natural resourse?
Increasing groundwater dependency and declining urban water quality – A comparative analysis of four South Indian cities
The quality of water and the dependency on groundwater in four South Indian cities
Modeling of a coastal aquifer in Goa using FEFLOW – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
Modeling sea water in Goa to evaluate increase in groundwater development