A case of vanishing greens
The changing landscape from rapid development makes agriculture difficult for farmers in peri-urban Hyderabad.
A farmer at work. (Source: SaciWATERs)
New test to detect aquaculture virus
A group of Indian researchers has developed a rapid test to detect a virus that affects shrimp.
A shrimp farm. (Source: India Water Portal)
The dirty picture
A hard-hitting documentary film ‘Kakkoos’ looks at the politics behind the banned practice of manual scavenging and how the civil society connives to keep it alive.
Manual scavenging is a caste issue. (Image: Divya Bharathi, Facebook)
A look inside your water tanker
While the quality of water supplied by tankers is suspect, having different sources of water for different uses is a luxury that not many can afford.
Water tankers queue up to be filled.(Source:SaciWATERs)
Disappearing lakes and politics of corruption
Communities have as much part to play in protecting natural resources as the people in power. This case of a disappearing lake proves it.
Greywater irrigation more profitable
A study that finds many trees like eucalyptus grow better with greywater than ground water shows a better way to manage water.
Greywater from kitchen and bathroom. (Source: India Water Portal)