Safe water to fight fluorosis
What Basubai and her children needed to fight fluorosis was access to safe drinking water.
Village woman shows her fluorosis-affected teeth. (Pic courtesy: PSI)
Setting safe sanitation example
Villager builds twin pit latrine and sets example for others on behaviour change and safe sanitation.
Manohar's twin pit latrine gets constructed. (Pic courtesy: PSI)
Micro loans, mega gains
MHT helps reduce drudgery of women in a resettlement colony by providing finances for water and sanitation facilities.
MHT organises poor women around habitat issues in a resettlement colony in Delhi. (Pic: India Water Portal)
Solar water purifier with a difference
With no electricity required and no wastewater, the new purifier works even under cloudy conditions and diffused solar radiation.
NARI solar water purifier (Pic courtesy: ISW)