Hydropower in the Himalayas: Potential and risks
Study highlights significant hydropower opportunities in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region.
Hydel project near Kullu (Image: Nadir Hashmi, Flickr Commons)
In photos: How temple tanks are helping Chennai conserve rain water
During the monsoon, temple tanks in Chennai fill to the brim with water, helping in groundwater recharge.
Parthasarathy temple in Triplicane has the biggest tank. Recently, volunteers belonging to the Central Industrial Security Force cleaned the tank. Pic: Laasya Shekhar
When crocodiles roamed city streets: The real reason behind Vadodara floods
Urban flooding in Gujarat has led to some strange developments in recent weeks.
Flash floods following extreme rainfall left Vadodara inundated in Early August. Pic: Concerned Citizens of Vadodara
Beyond the death toll: The everyday violence of Assam’s floods
Mitul Baruah from Ashoka University narrates personal experiences of people affected by floods in Majuli, Assam.
Floods in Majuli Assam (Image: Mitul Baruah)
Growing crops, one byte at a time
Mobile agri-advisory services provide timely and relevant advice to farmers. But do they translate to practice in the field?
CCMobile App compatible with Android and iOS, tends to connect farmers with their crop (Image: YourStory)
Mangroves: Powerhouses of carbon storage the planet desperately needs
Mangroves are carbon-dense ecosystems that can play an important role in carbon storage, study suggests.
A cluster of mangroves on the banks of Vellikeel river in Kannur, Kerala (Image: Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0)
P Sainath: The water crisis is not caused by drought
Magsaysay award winner & founder-editor of PARI, P Sainath analyses India's water scarcity, the agrarian crisis & farmer suicides, before asking: what can we do about it?
Picture: The semi-arid regions of the Moyar-Bhavani River basin in Tamil Nadu. Picture credit: Prathigna Poonacha, Tanvi Deshpande; Indian Institute for Human Settlements from India Water Portal on Flickr. Picture used for representational purposes only
जल आंदोलन : समय बड़ी बचत का
गाँव, रेगिस्तान और पानी। यही हमारी सांसे हैं और यही हमारी आस भी  और यही कहीं हमारी पारम्परिक जल संरक्षण तकनीक की सम्पदा। रेगिस्तान में जहाँ सूरज की रजत किरणें रेत की चादर पर दरिया होने का छलावा करती हैं, वहीं लाखों मिन्नतों के बाद बादल सालभर में 10-20 सेंटीमीटर भी बरस जाएँ तो धरती के हलक में पानी की एक बूँद भी अमृत लगती है। राजस्थान के रेगिस्तान का सूखे और पलायन की त्रासदी ने कभी पीछा नहीं छोड़ा, मगर यहाँ के फौलादी हिम्मत वाले लोगों ने हार भी नहीं मानी। यहीं बुआई की, यहीं जोता और यहीं अपनी सोच और बसावट के ऐसे निशान छोड़े जिसका लोहा आज की दुनिया भी मानती है।
जल आंदोलन : समय बड़ी बचत का। PC-पेन धरातल