Toilets and Urinals
Clean toilets are essential for a clean mind - The story behind the Appa Patwardhan Safai Wa Paryawaran Tantraniketan Maharashtra
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMDr. Mapuskar has been working in the field of rural sanitation for the last 50 years. He implemented the principles of appropriate technology and community ownership at a time when these were not part of the national consciousness. Today he continues to be active in the field, advocating the use of decentralised, low cost sanitation options.
Future at stake The dismal picture of education in Bihar and Nitish Kumars efforts to revive it
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM“The current age is the era of knowledge and not of weapons, and only through education and knowledge can one break out of the abject poverty”. Wise words from Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who believes that times have changed since his government took over: now is the time to pick up the pen and discover its power.
Handbook on technical options for onsite sanitation by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMThis handbook by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation provides sustainable technological options for on-site sanitation for different hydro-geological conditions. The hand book is divided into six chapters and a bibliography.
Excreta Matters A profile of the water and sewage situation in 71 Indian cities A report by the Centre for Science and Environment
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMGuset post: Amita Bhaduri
Source: Excreta Matters, Centre for Science and Environment, 2012
The sanitation crisis in India An urgent need to look beyond toilet provision
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMGuest post by: Aarti Kelkar-Khambete
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
The sanitation crisis and the recent evidence on lack of toilet facilities
Government of Rajasthan prepares a working draft of a rural sanitation and hygiene strategy 2012 2022
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMAlthough significant progress has been made in terms of individual household toilet coverage in the state, usage by the population is still low at 12.9 per cent (DLHS 2007-08). Access to toilets for schools and angawandies has seen a marked increased but rural solid and liquid waste management has seen little or no attention.
Community managed sanitation in Kerala Tools to promote governance and improve health A Report by the World Bank Institute
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMIt also deals with the efforts made by the Government of India to revolutionise sanitation services in the state of Kerala, with the aim of improving public health. Earlier experience had shown that significant governance problems had hindered water and sanitation reforms in local and national programmes in the state.
First international advocacy planning meeting for water and sanitation activists WASH News and policy update
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMContent courtesy: India WASH Forum
Confessions of an OD boy- The need to achieve a sustainable open defacation free intervention
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMAuthor: Mohanasundar Radhakrishnan
Hue and cry for drinking water Major struggle for natures call A study by Udayvani and Arghyam
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AMThis study by Udayvani and Arghyam describes the findings of case studies undertaken by Udaywani to get a clear picture of the drinking water and toilet facilities in 8 Gram Panchayats of the 6 Districts of Karnataka following the ASHWAS survey conducted by Arghyam that included a survey of Household Water and Sanitation in 172 Gram Panchayats across 28 districts of Karnataka (all except Bangalore Urban).