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January 2, 2023 अनुपम मिश्र या हम सबके प्रिय पमपम पर पाँच साल पहले लिखा गया श्रवण गर्ग का यहआलेख है। अनुपम भी उनके द्वारा तलाशे गए तालाबों की तरह से ही खरे थे। अनुपम ने तो तालाबों को उनके दूर होते हुए भी खोज लिया । हम उन्हें अपने इतने नज़दीक होते हुए भी खोज नहीं पाए। 19 दिसम्बर को अनुपम की पुण्यतिथि थी।
अनुपम मिश्र, गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान में। फोटो - सिविल सोसाइटी, लक्ष्मण आनंद
January 1, 2023 Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
December 25, 2022 A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
October 6, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
August 9, 2022 Ensuring irrigation through farm ponds in tribal Chhattisgarh
Many tribal farmers opted for individual farm ponds under MGNREGA ensuring protective irrigation. (Image: Meenakshi Singh)
November 8, 2020 The National Hydrology Project has created a national platform for water data and is working to enhance the technical capacities of agencies dealing with water resources management.
Breakthrough cloud computing facilities and remote sensing applications have helped showthe filling pattern of a water body (tank or reservoir) through freely available satellite imagery at an interval of five days.  (Image: Maithan dam, Wikimedia Commons)
Flooding in Northern India: Updates from Earth Observatory
Flooding of Ganga leaves at least two million homeless in northern India Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 02:16 PM

Heavy monsoon rains had pushed the Ganges and other rivers over their banks by late September 2010. The flooding left at least 2 million people homeless in northern India, Reuters reported. Some 500,000 hectares (1.25 million acres) of agricultural land were also flooded. Authorities reported that the Ganges and its tributaries had risen to near record levels, and meteorologists forecast more rains in the days ahead.

Flooding in Northern India

Earth sciences in watershed management – A presentation by ACWADAM
Groundwater cannot be directly observed on these pictures. The presentation outlines the scale as well as how to map for watershed management Posted on 23 Sep, 2010 08:04 AM

This presentation by ACWADAM on earth sciences in watershed management shows how the occurrence of water within a watershed is governed by the rock types occurring both at the surface and within the subsurface, their sequence and their structure. The presentation deals with the basic components involved in the mapping of a watershed –

  • The type of rocks (lithology), and
  • The structure (whether these are folded, faulted, fractured, jointed etc.,)

Geological mapping – A presentation by ACWADAM
Geological mapping can help go a long way in better management of water sources and groundwater reaource Posted on 21 Sep, 2010 08:27 AM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with geological mapping. The occurrence of water within a watershed is governed by the rock types occurring both at the surface and within the subsurface, their sequence and their structure. The physical structure which plays host to the water within the watershed is geological. Every watershed programme must therefore include a fundamental understanding of this framework so that the development and management measures planned through such programmes are meaningful and properly justified technically.

Save agriculture in Narmada valley
Demand exclusion of canal network from irrigated villages Posted on 20 Sep, 2010 04:44 PM

Narmada valley is facing yet another crisis beyond the gigantic dams, which has arisen due to the huge canal network of the Indira Sagar and Omkareshwar canals. The canals of these two dams are not yet fully planned, yet certain estimates, which are not yet final by the Narmada Valley Development Authority show that not less than 10,000 hectares of agricultural land is to be acquired, but a larger acquisition is yet to come up in numerous villages, where even a basic socio-economic survey of the affected land and families is yet to be undertaken.

Guidelines for preparation of a river basin master plan - Central Water Commission (2007)
The article deals with the guidelines of the CWC for preparation of river basin master plan, which was revised in 2007 in view of the new issues that have emerged in the water sector. Posted on 14 Sep, 2010 08:19 AM

This deals with the guidelines of the Central Water Commission (CWC) for preparation of river basin master plan, which was revised in 2007 in view of the new challenges and issues that have emerged in the water resources sector. The need for integrated river basin planning, development and management arises from the relationship between the availability of water resources and its possible uses in various sectors.

International conference on environment audit - Concerns about water pollution - CAG (2010)
A conference to deliberate on the causes of pollution, governmental action, societal role and responsibility and management of sustainable water systems Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 05:15 PM

CAGThis link on the CAG website provides the details of an international conference that was held on 15-16 March 2010, in the backdrop of the environmental audit proposed by the the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, for management and conservation of the environment .

The purpose of this conference was to deliberate on the causes of pollution, action taken by governments and civil society to address this and environmental, management and legal interventions needed to put lakes, rivers and ground water on the path of sustainability.

More than 20 experts on water and water pollution issues were invited to share their views as panelists during the conference. Apart from these distinguished panelists, the heads of supreme audit institutions from countries like Austria, Maldives, Bangladesh and Bhutan were also present to share their experiences regarding audit of water pollution in their countries.

The essential water : An installation by Sridhar Gangolli at the premises of Alliance Francaise de Bangalore
Sridhar Gangoli uses is art to express the truth around life Posted on 09 Sep, 2010 10:32 AM

Sridhar Gangolli, an artist with the concern about the life and the living, is once again on the pitch of art. In each of his works of art, he tries to be fresh and spontaneous. He bats with the objects and bowls some thoughts, thus he makes his art.


Transparency demanded in a letter to Jairam Ramesh on Polavaram Project - Himanshu Thakkar
An open letter to the Minister of Environment and Forestry demanding transparency in the Polavaram project undertaken by the government Posted on 04 Sep, 2010 10:43 AM


Himanshu Thakkar
South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People,
c/o 86-D, AD block, Shalimar Bagh,

To: Shri Jairam Ramesh
Union Minister of State for Env and Forests (IC), New Delhi

Respected Sir,

I have just seen your letter dated Aug 18, 2010 to Orissa Chief Minister on the aboves subject, uploaded yesterday on MEF website.

  1. Your letter says that the Forest Clearance has been given to the Polavaram Project on July 28, 2010 is subject to the condition, "... no submergence and displacement of people including STs take place in Orissa and Chhattisgarh...". However, this condition is in complete contradiction with the environment clearance given by your ministry on Oct 25, 2005, which says in para 2, "Total 1,93,35 persons are likely to be affected by this project, out of that 1,75,275 persons in Andhra Pradesh and 6,316 persons from Orissa and 11,766 are from Chattisgarh." It is clear the condition of no submergence and displacement on Orissa and Chhattisgarh, stated in your letter, in the Tribal Development Ministry's condition, and in the forest clearance letter is in complete contradiction with the environment clearance given by you. One of them have to be cancelled due to this contradiction, we would like to know, which one would be cancelled.