Aarti Kelkar Khambete

Aarti Kelkar Khambete
Karnataka to launch floating solar energy parks on its lakes
News this fortnight
Posted on 21 Jul, 2024 11:13 AM

Karnataka to launch 'water surface solar energy parks' on its lakes

Three government departments of Karnataka, namely the minor irrigation, water resources and Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd (KREDL) have come together to create the first-ever ‘water surface solar energy parks’ in southern India.

Floating solar. Far Niente vineyard in Napa Valley, California. Image for representation purposes only (Image Source: Solarwriter via Wikimedia Commons)
India experiments with parametric insurance to mitigate costs of disasters
News this fortnight
Posted on 03 Jul, 2024 11:18 AM

India experiments with parametric insurance to mitigate costs of disasters

India has experienced the third most number of natural disaster events in the world between 2000 and 2019 and it has been predicted that the frequency and intensity of natural disasters will continue to increase leading to huge losses and damages that the states may be unable to pay for.

Life during floods in Assam (Image Source: Kausika Bordoloi via Wikimedia Commons)
Bihar's Nagi and Nakti wetlands recognised as Ramsar sites
News this fortnight
Posted on 17 Jun, 2024 12:02 PM

Nagi and Nakti wetlands in Bihar get recognition under the Ramsar convention

The Nagi dam bird sanctuary (Image Source: Hilfiger28 via Wikimedia Commons)
Solar powered irrigation improves nutritional outcomes in Chattisgarh tribals
News this fortnight
Posted on 02 Jun, 2024 10:56 AM

Solar powered irrigation has led to improvement in the nutritional status of Chattisgarh tribals 

Solar power use in a Tamil Nadu farm (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bioengineered slopes save Nog village in Himachal from floods
News this fortnight
Posted on 24 May, 2024 04:01 AM

An innovative bioengineering technology implemented under the PMGSY has saved Nog village in Himachal from floods

When heavy rainfall led to floods and landslides in Himachal Pradesh, one village stood out. This is the village of Nog where landslides and floods did not have an impact because of the innovative soil bioengineering approach implemented in the area. 

Floods in Himachal. Image for representation purposes only (Image Source: Pinakpani via Wikimedia Commons)
Tribals in Niyamgiri revive climate resilient varieties of rice and millets
News this fortnight
Posted on 06 May, 2024 02:56 AM

Villages in the forested foothills of Niyamgiri revive climate resilient paddy and millets to become food secure

Traditional Rice Kosla of Niyamgiri Hills (Image Source: Pankaj Oudhia via Wikimedia Commons)
Madhya Pradesh leads in tree plantations under the controversial green credit programme
News this fortnight
Posted on 23 Apr, 2024 09:02 AM

Madhya Pradesh leads in controversial tree plantations under the green credit programme

India's green credit programme (Image Source: Johannes Plenio/Stocksnap/CC0 1.0 DEED)
Odisha leads in the provision of quality drinking water on household tap connections
News this fortnight
Posted on 04 Apr, 2024 08:55 AM

Odisha emerges as the only state to guarantee quality drinking water on household tap connections

Quality drinking water, a priority (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
India needs gender responsive strategies to cope with climate change impacts
A recent study finds that climate change induced extreme weather events such as droughts can increase the vulnerability of women to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Posted on 30 Mar, 2024 02:08 PM

Overworked, underpaid and unrecognised: Women in rural India

Droughts affect women the most (Image Source: Gaurav Bhosale via Wikimedia Commons)
A Public Information System to map unplanned urbanisation in Bengaluru unveiled
News this fortnight
Posted on 22 Mar, 2024 09:10 AM

Scientists from IISc unveil a Public Information System to map unplanned urbanisation in Bengaluru  

The growing concrete jungle in Indian cities (Image Source: Amita Bhaduri)