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April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
February 20, 2024 This study predicts that sewage will become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to urbanisation and insufficient wastewater treatment technologies and infrastructure in worse case scenario projections in countries such as India.
The polluted river Yamuna at Agra (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 16, 2023 अब वह दिन दूर नहीं कि गंगाजल की तरह सरयू जल को भी बोतल में सुरक्षित किया जा सकेगा और वह खराब नहीं होगा।सरयू नदी में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणु एवं विषाणुओं पर अध्ययन हेतु विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी विभाग की आर्थिक सहायता प्राप्त की है। इनके निर्देशन में शोध छात्रों द्वारा अस्पताल में संक्रमण करने वाले जीवाणुओं की पहचान और उनकी एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोधी बनने पर अध्ययन किया जा रहा है।
गंगा नदी,गंगोत्री
October 8, 2023 While the current push for legal personhood for rivers is facing obstacles and is stalled, it holds potential as a viable long-term strategy for the preservation of India's rivers
River quality deteriorates as demand for hydropower to support economic growth continues to expand. (Image: Yogendra Singh Negi, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
July 18, 2023 पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव-2023 में पर्यावरण एक बड़ा अहम मुद्दा बना। नदी और पर्यावरण राजनीतिक दलों के एजेंडे से कहीं अधिक आम लोगों के आकर्षण का केन्द्र बने।
पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव
June 17, 2023 सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी के किनारे के धनौला गांव में नदी पर अवैध निर्माण गतिविधियों के मुद्दे को सबसे पहले याचिकाकर्ता मीनाक्षी अरोड़ा ने उठाया था, जिनका इस साल 6 मार्च 2023 को निधन हो गया। उनके पति केसर सिंह अब सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी मामले की पैरवी कर रहे हैं।

सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी पर अतिक्रमण,फोटो सभागार:- केसर सिंह
Applications invited for the post of 'Project Manager', SEEDS, Odisha
A non-profit voluntary organisation that is engaged in rebuilding Uttarakhand by constructing schools damaged in floods.
Posted on 31 Oct, 2013 02:47 PM

 For details on the organisation SEEDS, please click here

Further information on the vacancy can be viewed here or downloaded from below. 

37% of the Western Ghats to be eco-sensitive
Policy matters this week: One-third of the Western Ghats declared eco-sensitive zone, Narmada canals' water to go to industry and the government to construct godowns for food grains under MNREGA. Posted on 21 Oct, 2013 04:20 PM

37% of the Western Ghats "ecologically sensitive"

Shola grasslands in Western Ghats Source:Wikipedia
Vacancy for the posts of 'Assistant Project Officers / Project Officers', Pragya, Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh) and Leh (Jammu and Kashmir)
Pragya works for the appropriate development of vulnerable communities and sensitive ecosystems of the world.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 12:53 PM

For more information on the organisation, please click here.

For further details on the vacancy, click here.

Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated
News this week: Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated, artificial oxygen to clean Ulsoor lake and 20% government schools in Delhi don't have water connection. Posted on 06 Oct, 2013 10:54 PM

Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated

Right to safe drinking water (Source: Merck Group)
Minor mineral, major mafia
Residents of a nondescript village in Madhya Pradesh lost their livelihoods to sand mining but this illegal trade didn't make the limelight until an IAS officer was suspended in UP. Posted on 29 Sep, 2013 04:05 PM

Pahanbarri was a small village of 3000 people in Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad district. The 200-year old village was known for its fertile soil, thanks to being located on the banks of the Tawa, a tributary of the Narmada river. On August 1 this year, the river changed its course, broke its bank and entered the village.

Sand mining in Dindigul, TN Source: The Hindu
The comedy and tragedy of the Doddaballapur tanks
Twenty five cascading tanks culminate in the Naagarakere tank in Doddaballapur town in Karnataka. Once a source of water for the region, most of them are dry today. Can we revive them? Posted on 26 Sep, 2013 02:08 PM

1972 was the year. A massive hit, a landmark movie in Dr. Rajkumar's cinema career was realeased: Bangarada Manushya (The Golden Man).

With many melodious and meaningful songs, the theme was something close to one's heart - an urban youth returns to his ancestral village, takes up agriculture and works for the welfare of the village.

Doddaballapur tanks
Gujarat farmers protest proposed nuclear park
News this week - Gujarat farmers oppose nuclear plant, drought hits Bihar and an eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi in Surat. Posted on 22 Sep, 2013 08:01 PM

Gujarat farmers oppose Mithivirdi nuclear plant

Nuclear power or people's power Source: Wikipedia
Government bans project clearance in eight critically polluted industrial areas
Policy matters this week - No more project clearance in critically polluted areas, Tamil Nadu government launches 'Amma' mineral water and Guwahati to get 24*7 water supply. Posted on 22 Sep, 2013 06:03 PM

No environment clearance in eight critically polluted areas

Effluent pollutes water Source: Wikipedia
Call for entries for photo contest ' Rivers of life- The Brahmaputra', International Union for Conservation of Nature
A competition that aims to showcase the unique aspects of the river and through it generate awareness on the varied facets of the river.
Posted on 21 Sep, 2013 08:14 AM

For details on the photo contest, please click here.

To register online for the contest, click here

The brochure is attached below for your consideration.

A tale of two STPs
In Lucknow, two sewage treatment plants ostensibly prevent pollution of the river Gomti but are they really doing their job? The photos tell the entire story. Posted on 20 Sep, 2013 04:51 PM

The venerable Imperial Gazetteer says, 'Viewed from a distance Lucknow presents a picture of unusual magnificence and architectural splendour, which fades on nearer view ...' (Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 16, p. 196).

The only working STP in Lucknow -Daulatganj