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April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
February 20, 2024 This study predicts that sewage will become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to urbanisation and insufficient wastewater treatment technologies and infrastructure in worse case scenario projections in countries such as India.
The polluted river Yamuna at Agra (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 16, 2023 अब वह दिन दूर नहीं कि गंगाजल की तरह सरयू जल को भी बोतल में सुरक्षित किया जा सकेगा और वह खराब नहीं होगा।सरयू नदी में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणु एवं विषाणुओं पर अध्ययन हेतु विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी विभाग की आर्थिक सहायता प्राप्त की है। इनके निर्देशन में शोध छात्रों द्वारा अस्पताल में संक्रमण करने वाले जीवाणुओं की पहचान और उनकी एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोधी बनने पर अध्ययन किया जा रहा है।
गंगा नदी,गंगोत्री
October 8, 2023 While the current push for legal personhood for rivers is facing obstacles and is stalled, it holds potential as a viable long-term strategy for the preservation of India's rivers
River quality deteriorates as demand for hydropower to support economic growth continues to expand. (Image: Yogendra Singh Negi, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
July 18, 2023 पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव-2023 में पर्यावरण एक बड़ा अहम मुद्दा बना। नदी और पर्यावरण राजनीतिक दलों के एजेंडे से कहीं अधिक आम लोगों के आकर्षण का केन्द्र बने।
पश्चिमबंगाल पंचायत चुनाव
June 17, 2023 सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी के किनारे के धनौला गांव में नदी पर अवैध निर्माण गतिविधियों के मुद्दे को सबसे पहले याचिकाकर्ता मीनाक्षी अरोड़ा ने उठाया था, जिनका इस साल 6 मार्च 2023 को निधन हो गया। उनके पति केसर सिंह अब सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी मामले की पैरवी कर रहे हैं।

सहस्त्रधारा-बाल्दी नदी पर अतिक्रमण,फोटो सभागार:- केसर सिंह
Resuscitating a failed idea - Notes from Bihar – A paper in Economic and Political Weekly
This article questions the logic behind the implementing of the river interlinking project by using dams, embankments and canals, which have failed in Bihar to control floods Posted on 07 May, 2012 11:36 AM

This article by Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Convenor of the Barh Mukti Abhiyan (movement for freedom from floods), Bihar in the Economic and Political Weekly states that the idea of a national interlinking of rivers needs to base itself on the past six decades’ experience of river and flood control measures.

Teesta, Tipaimukh and riverlinking: Danger to Bangladesh-India relations – A paper in Economic and Political Weekly
This paper in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, University of Dhaka deals with the Supreme Court’s verdict directing the Government of India to implement the interlinking of rivers. The article opines that the judgement seems to have overlooked the regional and international implications of what the Indian Court strangely considers “the rivers of the country”. Posted on 06 May, 2012 11:25 AM

Bangladesh shares 54 rivers with India. Any unilateral action by India on any of its international rivers will degrade its relations with its neighbours while also adversely affecting its ecology, economy and society. Bangladesh being a riverine and a lower riparian country remains sensitive to matters of water, whether inland or maritime.

Workshop on Environmental Flows, Aaranyak and River Research Centre (Kerala), May 6, 2012, Guwahati
Posted on 06 May, 2012 12:31 AM

Organisers: Aaranyak and River Research Centre

Venue: Indian Institute of Bank Management,


The Supreme Court and its directions on Interlinking of Rivers (ILR): India and her people will be greatly benefited by its implementation
The Supreme Court has recently given direction to Government of India to implement Inter Linking of Rivers (ILR) within a time frame as it brings many benefits to our people. Many feel that ILR has some inherent problems including reluctance of the States. But Supreme Court wants the net working of rivers (NWR). This article by J Prabudoss looks into the issue. Posted on 03 May, 2012 07:03 PM

Author : J. Prabudoss

Viability of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in India: Study of Chanju CDM project in Chamba district,Himachal Pradesh
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is introduced by US government as flexibility mechanisms under Kyoto Protocol and allows developed countries to meet their emission reduction commitments by promoting clean development in developing countries. As a policy mandate, it aims to design project-based mechanisms to reduce emissions. These reductions are produced and then subtracted against a hypothetical baseline of emissions which are predicted to occur in the absence of a particular CDM project. India as a signatory of this protocol have been registered 2313 projects up to August 2010, out of these, 64 projects are of hydro power generation and Chanju power project of 36 MW is one of the CDM project in India. Dr Mohinder Kumar Slariya in this article showcases the primary data research based view point, which he presented in the "International Scientific Conference" at Hohenheim University, Germany. Posted on 03 May, 2012 06:30 PM

The present paper is an attempt of the researcher to make a comparative analysis between the expected benefits received by the executing agency under CDM and the actual benefits people are expected to receive from Chanju-I Hydro Electric Project.

Workshop in Mumbai, India Against Corruption, SANDRP, on May 4, 2012, Mumbai
Posted on 01 May, 2012 09:26 AM

Organiser: India Against CorruptionSouth Asia Network on Dams, Rivers, & People (SANDRP)

Venue:  Karnataka Sangh Hall,
             Vishweshwaraya Smarak Mandir,
             Moghul lane, Station Road,
            Matunga West,
            Mumbai -400016

Citizens voice alarm over recent Supreme Court judgement on interlinking of rivers
Prominent experts, concerned citizens and neighboring countries have raised concerns over the recent Supreme Court judgement. Posted on 25 Apr, 2012 10:39 AM

The Supreme Court of India has in its judgment of 27 February 2012 on the interlinking of rivers project, given categorical directions to the Executive Government to implement the ‘project’ as a whole in a time bound manner and has also asked the Centre to appoint a Special Committee to work out the modalities and oversee the implementation of the project.

Critical review of the impacts, challenges, prospects and conflict management for vitally needed inter-linking of rivers in India
Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment of 27th February 2012, directed union and concerned states governments, to implement ambitious interlinking of the rivers project (ILR) in a time bound manner and also asked Union Government to appoint a high-powered committee for planning and implementation of the project. Social tensions, political instability and street fights are already being experienced in India, on account of fast deteriorating situation of availability of qualitative water in adequate quantity.
This article presents a critical review of basic objectives, controversies, social & ecological impacts besides concrete suggestions to overcome the blockades in Inter-basin Transfer of Water (IBTW), now commonly known as Inter-linking of Rivers (ILR).
Posted on 23 Apr, 2012 12:17 PM

Guest post by : Er. Radhey Shyam Goel

1. Introduction

Interlinking of rivers project: A disquieting judgement - Ramaswamy Iyer's perspective in the EPW on the recent Supreme Court decision
The Supreme Court judgement of 27 February 2012 directed the executive government to implement the river inter-linking project through a special committee which will take precedence over all other administrative bodies. In this article, first published in the Economic and Political Weekly, Ramaswamy Iyer explains why this backing of a 'potentially disastrous' project is disturbing. The article then calls for a reconsideration of this judgement. Posted on 20 Apr, 2012 10:52 PM


1. Introduction
Two writ petitions were filed in 2002 on the subject of interlinking. The judgement finally passed in 2012 directs the implementation of this project. This judgement is disturbing for the following reasons:

Maharashtra Water Resource Regulatory Authority s approach paper on criteria for determination of bulk water tariff in 2013 - 2016 - Draft put out for inviting comments
The Maharashtra Water Resource Regulatory Authority (MWRRA) has in March 2012 circulated its approach paper on criteria for determination of bulk water tariff for the period 2013-2016. The draft is now put out for public consultation, which is the next step in the exercise as per the regulations.
Posted on 14 Apr, 2012 09:46 PM

