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January 4, 2023 झांसी। सरकार से लगातार अतिक्रमण की शिकायत से थक-हारकर एनजीटी के दरवाजे पर जाना मजबूरी बन गई है। झांसी के एडवोकेट बीएल भाष्कर, गिरजा शंकर राय, नरेन्द्र कुशवाहा की याचिका 165/2021 पर लगातार खेल जारी है। लगभग 82 एकड़ के नगरीय क्षेत्र के प्राचीन लक्ष्मीतालाब और 490 एकड़ के नगर-पार्क की भूमि पर बडे़ पैमाने पर अवैध कब्जे हैं। एनजीटी ने तालाब और नगर-पार्क की भूमि को कब्जामुक्त किये जाने के आदेश दिये थे। एनजीटी के आदेश पर नगर निगम और ‘झांसी विकास प्राधिकरण’ ने कुछ सात धार्मिक स्थलों को चिंहित कर उन्हें नोटिस जारी कर दिया। निजी बिल्डरों की ज़मीन के बारे में कार्रवाई करने की बजाय ‘ प्राचीन धार्मिक स्थलों’ के आड़ में प्राधिकरण अवैध भू-माफियाओं को बचाने में लगा हुआ है।
सुना है, लक्ष्मी तालाब की सुंदरता पर करोड़ों कर्च हो चुके हैं। फोटो साभार- झांसी फोटोज
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 11, 2019 Study points to vulnerabilities faced by women in the mountains and plains of Uttarakhand, which is likely to only increase with climate change.
Ganga's riverflow at Rishikesh in Uttarakhand (Image courtesy: Ankit Singh; Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
October 24, 2019 While ice stupas have been hailed as sustainable solutions to the water problems of Ladakh’s villages, the locals think otherwise.
Ice Stupas near Phyang monastery (Image Courtsey: Sumita Roy Dutta, Wikimedia Commons)
Open Confusion: Charba and Coca Cola
The Uttarakhand State Government leased land to Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages but the villagers of Charba were completely in the dark about this. Why is there a lack of transparency? Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 08:36 PM

Charba is a small village in Uttarakhand with a population of 10,000. It is located in the 'Vikas Nagar' area just beyond Dehradun - a section that the government has denoted an industrial area. This little village shot to fame when Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (HCCB) decided to build a plant there.

Radha Behen addresses the villagers
No impact assessment study done for Dibang hydropower project
The Idu Mishmi community in Arunachal Pradesh are strongly against the project. Public hearing finally held after being cancelled 14 times. Posted on 04 Aug, 2013 10:18 PM

The Dibang Multipurpose Project (DMP) proposed on the Dibang river in Arunachal Pradesh by NHPC Ltd (National Hydro Power Corporation), is slated to be India’s highest dam. A concrete gravity dam that will resist the pressure of impounding water through its own weight, its capacity is 3000 megawatts (MW).

Public hearing venue at New Anaya
Forest panel rejects highly opposed dam projects in the Northeast
Forest panel rejects dams in the Northeast, government releases new poverty statistics and citizens' refuse the '24x7' water supply scheme are the highlights of this week's news. Posted on 28 Jul, 2013 04:22 PM

Forest Advisory Committee rejects the controversial Tipaimukh and Dibang hydro-electric projects

The idyllic Barak river (source: Wikimedia)
The Dongria Kondhs' tribals bring the judiciary down on its knees
Niyamgiri tribals' decision to veto mining, environment degradation's effect on the country's GDP and Maharashtra's carbon trading scheme are the highlights of this week's news. Posted on 22 Jul, 2013 01:40 AM

Dongria Kondh tribals stand firm against mining of Niyamgiri

Celebration Dance (Source: Wikimedia)
Invite for an anti coke protest & yatra, Uttarakhand Nadi Bachao Andolan, Charba, Uttarakhand
A week long yatra through Uttarakhand marking an anti coke protest by the people affected the most
Posted on 12 Jun, 2013 06:57 PM


Uttarakhand Nadi Bachao Andolan


Charba village, Dehradun, Uttarakhand


An anti coke protest and a week long yatra is being organised by the concerned citizens and social activists, against the proposed take over of their land, forest and groundwater by the Coca Cola company.

Anti coke protest in Uttarakhand
Delhi groundwater unfit for consumption - High nitrate content worsens water quality
High content of nitrate in Delhi's groundwater, Kalu project being granted land clearance and the amendments in Food Bill are the highlights of this week's news Posted on 08 May, 2013 11:22 AM

High nitrate content in Delhi groundwater

The story of how blissful ignorance allows Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages to deprive Mehdiganj, Varanasi of its water
What does 'being water positive' really mean for the villages where manufacturing plants are situated ? Posted on 01 Apr, 2013 11:39 PM


Bottled drinks are commonplace and we often reach for them without a thought. We may even feel good about our purchase as we read about the companies' commitment to water security' printed on the label. 


What does 'being water positive' really mean for the villages where manufacturing plants are situated ? This article examines the case of one such plant in Mehdiganj, PO Benipur, Arajiline block, Dist Varanasi and its effect on the groundwater levels in the area. The village has led an agitation against 4 specific negative impacts of the plant, acheiving moderate but measurable success.

This year, the movement comes to a crisis point as despite a warning by the Central Groundwater Development Board, the plant applies for a four-fold expansion.  

The state of environmental migration in 2011
A report on Bangladeshi migration to India in the context of 2001 floods, by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI). Posted on 07 Mar, 2013 05:15 PM

Environmental degradation & climate change have induced human mobility by creating environmental migrants.

"A village awaits doomsday" - Stories of displaced people who lose their home, hearth and land to "progress": A book by Jaideep Hardikar
This book strings together stories of people forced to part with their lands to make way for progress and development. Posted on 06 Mar, 2013 06:44 PM

A village awaits doomsday

Assessing the land use change and its impact on water resources: A study on the Mula and Mutha rivers catchment area in Pune
Analysing the changes in land uses between 1989 and 2009, this paper assesses the impact on water balance in Mula and Mutha Rivers catchment upstream of the city of Pune Posted on 17 Feb, 2013 09:11 PM

Land use changes  hydrologic system and have potentially large impacts on water resources. An assessment in an area with seasonally limited water availability and which is subject to rapid socio- economic development and population growth will provide an exemplary view on the local impacts of major recent developments in India. In this backdrop this paper analyzes past land use changes between 1989 and 2009 and their impacts on the water balance in the Mula and Mutha Rivers catchment upstream of Pune. The aim of the paper is:

  • assess the land use changes between 1989/1990 and 2009/2010
  • analyze the impacts of these changes on the long-term water balance components in the Mula and Mutha Rivers catchment upstream of the city of Pune.
