Food and Nutrition
Agriculture and informal sector labour need a budgetary push
Posted on 08 Feb, 2016 08:46 AMRecent data from the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) as well as the Agriculture Census highlighted the plight of Indian farmers. Around 85 percent are small and marginal farmers with an average monthly income of only Rs. 4653, which is lesser than their monthly expenses. Debt rates are very high among farmers with an average loan of more than Rs.
Odisha tribals humour changing skies with mixed platters
Posted on 11 Jan, 2016 09:18 PMBamboo trees bloomed with long wispy spikes weighing heavy on the stalks. While it might've made for a pretty picture, Loknath Nauri knew it would be a tough year. “More the density of the flowers, the more severe the drought we face,” he says. This was in March 2015 in the forests of southern Odisha.
Rice-fish culture transforms the lives of cyclone-hit farmers in Odisha
Posted on 06 Jan, 2016 11:24 PMCoastal regions of Kendrapara and Jagatsinghpur districts of Odisha have been hit by cyclonic storms for more than two decades.
Sunny balconies and hanging gardens in Goa
Posted on 22 Nov, 2015 09:59 PMIt was a sultry Sunday afternoon in Goa, the time traditionally reserved for heavy lunches followed by long siestas but the small crowd gathered at Arjuntree One in Margao defied the stereotype.
Sustainable practices in slash-and-burn lands in Nagaland
Posted on 01 Nov, 2015 11:02 AMA thick smog and haze eclipse the sun all through the day when jhum areas are burnt. Jhum, known as shifting cultivation a practice practice inv
Catch them young: Treating children affected by fluorosis
Posted on 05 Oct, 2015 05:59 PMFluorosis is a cowardly disease; it selectively preys upon the most vulnerable and renders them even more fragile.
Training on Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Interventions
Posted on 01 Oct, 2015 12:46 PMCourse Objectives:
At the completion of the training programme, the participants would be able to
Roundtable Conference on 'Innovations in Catalysing Interventions and Data Driven Decision Making for WASH programs'
Posted on 14 Aug, 2015 12:49 PMAbout the conference
Creaking cities, vanishing ecosystems
Posted on 14 Aug, 2015 12:43 PMEcosystems are complex functioning units that include living as well as non living entities and build on interdependent relationships among these living resources, surrounding habitats and reside
How Bandu Singh recovered hope
Posted on 08 Jul, 2015 09:27 PMBandu Singh, a lean old man aged around 60, has spent his entire life living in a small mud house in Kaalapani, a small village located in Manawar block of Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh. Kaalapani has a population of 849 people of which 99.41% (as per Census 2011) are listed as belonging to Schedule Tribes (ST).
The area