Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

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April 4, 2024 Tackling India's water crisis: A blueprint for agricultural water efficiency
Women working in the field in India (Image: IWMI Flickr/Hamish John Appleby; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
March 25, 2024 Best practices and tips to reduce water consumption from Bangalore.
Saving every drop counts (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
May 16, 2023 For achieving real water saving through micro irrigation, a mechanism for water regulation and allocation is essential
Use of micro irrigation technology does not automatically result in a reduction in water consumption (Image: Anton: Wikimedia Commons)
April 25, 2023 पल्थरा एक छोटा सा आदिवासी गांव है, जो मध्यप्रदेश के पन्ना जिला मुख्यालय से करीब 35 किलोमीटर दूर जंगल में है। यहां समुदाय ने आगे बढ़कर जल प्रबंधन का काम अपने हाथ में ले लिया है और यहां न केवल वर्तमान में नल-जल योजना का सुचारू संचालन हो रहा है, बल्कि भविष्य में पानी की दिक्कत न हो, इस पर भी ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। यहां हर घर में नल कनेक्शन है।
जल प्रबंधन में आदर्श गांव बनने को तैयार है पल्थरा
January 1, 2023 Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
December 25, 2022 A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme - Revised guidelines by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (2008)
The document presents the 2008 guidelines of the Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation. Posted on 12 Aug, 2011 04:29 PM

The objective of the scheme is to convert or construct low cost sanitation units through sanitary two pit pour flush latrines with superstructures and appropriate variations to suit local conditions (area specific latrines) and construct new latrines where economically weaker sections household have no latrines and follow the in-human practice of defecating in the open in urban areas. This would improve overall sanitation in the towns.

The challenges of ecological sanitation in coastal south India - A case study of Kovalam town - South Chennai (Tamil Nadu) - A presentation
Involvement of women in designing toilets was very important for the success of the programme, the presentation says. Posted on 11 Aug, 2011 05:48 PM

This presentation by Sekhar Raghavan, Director, Rain Centre, Chennai, India highlights the experiences and the challenges faced by Rain Centre in introducing ecological sanitation in the coastal town of Kovalam near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India along with Coastal and Rural development Trust (CRDT), a small non profit centre based in Kovalam .

The coastal town of Kovalam was selected as a case because of its peculiar situation with its location in a fast developing  peri-urban area in proximity to Chennai city characterised by good groundwater situation, adequate land and housing facilities, but with a glaring and urgent need and demand for toilets.

Urbanization and intersectoral competition for water – A report by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
The ad hoc and sectoral approaches of the past do not adequately address the interrelated nature of urban water use, the report says. Posted on 07 Aug, 2011 07:24 PM

The report by Paul P Appasamy and Ruth Meinzen Dick deals with urbanization and intersectoral competition for water founded on the view that stereotypical images of “thirsty cities” that equate urban demand with “drinking water” or factories, and rural water supply with irrigation do not adequately portray the water uses in each area.

Delhi Water Privatization - WASH News and policy update
Bi-monthly e-Newsletter of India WASH Forum, Issue 19, July 2011 Posted on 03 Aug, 2011 06:20 PM

Content courtesy: India WASH Forum

India WASH Forum

Small and mini hydel projects – Standing Committee on Energy – Sixteenth Report (2010-2011)
The report presents the observations and recommendations of the Standing Committee on Energy on small and mini hydel projects. Posted on 03 Aug, 2011 03:57 PM

 The Committee took evidence of the representatives of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in January, 2011.

Troubled waters - Climate change, hydropolitics and transboundary resources – A report by TERI and The Henry L Stimson Center
The report evaluates whether climate change impacts on shared freshwater supplies could produce conflicts that might threaten global security. Posted on 02 Aug, 2011 07:38 PM

This report is a part of Stimson’s Regional Voices: Transnational Challenges project and provides valuable cross-regional and multidisciplinary insights into the complex issues surrounding transboundary water resources and climate change. It examines the environmental dangers and policy dilemmas confronting the sustainable management of shared water resources in a warming world.

Sustainable Development Framework for the mining sector in India – A report by the Ministry of Mines
This report by the Ministry of Mines presents the draft Sustainable Development Framework (SDF) for the mining sector in India. Posted on 29 Jul, 2011 01:03 PM

MINEIt does this in light of the recommendations of the Anwarul Hoda Committee, a High Level Committee set up by the Planning Commission in 2005. The draft SDF prepared by ERM India Pvt. Ltd. for the Ministry of Mines was released recently for seeking public comments before its formal adoption. It presents a set of guiding principles for the mining sector in India, which aims at achieving resource efficiency, business viability and environment stewardship around development of affected communities.

A late twentieth century folk tale - How rainwater harvesting creates a river in Alwar, Rajasthan
The Alwar district of Rajasthan had become a desolate scene in the mid-1980s. A "dark zone". And sand had replaced water and trees. Then a group of volunteers led by Rajendra Singh took the cue from an old man. They started making johads, earthen dams that impound rainwater. By the hundreds. The result was a miracle, a river, the Arvari. Posted on 28 Jul, 2011 03:30 PM

Video courtesy: Soumitradey


A late twentieth century folk tale - Part 1

Economic and Political Weekly 2011: Review of Agriculture (June 25 - July 8, 2011)
Review of AgricultureHalf a century ago, scholars first noticed that small farms in India demonstrated a higher per acre productivity than large farms. In the 21st century these farms still produce more per acre than large farms. We should be looking at making the most of the higher agricultural productivity on small landholdings.
Where earlier seed varieties were seen as a crucial input for Indian Agriculture, it is now water that has become a critical resource because of its over-exploitation and wasteful use on crop land. In the search for better ways to harvest and use water resources, there has been tendency to hark back to the past and look at small and localized systems, but we forget that the demographic settings then were different and we do not acknowledge the fact that the institutional settings of the time made for inequitable access.
AS the government grapples with modifying the 2002 National Water Policy, an independent effort is made to formulate a draft that looks at water use in all areas in a holistic manner. These and other articles in this review look at different aspects of Indian Agriculture.
Posted on 28 Jul, 2011 02:25 PM


Issue: VOL 46 No. 26 and 27 Jun 25 - July 08, 2011

Review of Agriculture

Irrigation in Telangana: The Rise and Fall of Tanks

Gautam Pingle

A kalyani brought to life in Mulbagal, Karnataka: An Arghyam initiative
This is the story of a neglected kalyani or temple tank in the town of Mulbagal, Karnataka. Posted on 27 Jul, 2011 05:58 PM

Guest post by Manjunath Prasad
