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Mitigating climate change through organic agriculture - Keynote address at the Third Organic Farming Association of India Convention, held at Anand, Gujarat (2010)
Green Revolution (GR) technologies, supported by official policies, and fuelled by agro-chemicals, machinery and irrigation, are well known to have improved agricultural production and productivity. Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 10:43 PM

Green Revolution (GR) technologies, supported by official policies, and fuelled by agro-chemicals, machinery and irrigation, are well known to have improved agricultural production and productivity. While these technologies greatly helped developing countries to address their food-security and food-sovereignty needs, farmers using these technologies have had to depend on external inputs.

Cancun: Is it a climate meet with a difference?
Despite the pre-Cancun Wikileaks revelation of U.S. strong-arm tactics at the Copenhagen summit, and U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern's remarks about "climate bribery", wherein he said countries asking for aid were in no position to accuse the U.S. of bribery; it is largely perceived that the Cancun Climate Meet has picked up the lost momentum of Copenhagen. Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 07:58 PM

Despite the pre-Cancun Wikileaks revelation of U.S. strong-arm tactics at the Copenhagen summit, and U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern's remarks about "climate bribery", wherein he said countries asking for aid were in no position to accuse the U.S. of bribery; it is largely perceived that the Cancun Climate Meet has picked up the lost momentum of Copenhagen.

193 nations met at Cancun to debate on how to move forward on the climate change adaptation process and drafted the Cancun Agreement.

Voelkel Industrie Produkte (VIP) GMBH Exhibiting in EA Water, Mumbai
Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 06:13 PM

Voelkel Industrie Produkte (VIP)Organizer: EA Water Private Limited

Aquatech India 2011, Amsterdam RAI, Mumbai
Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 03:48 PM

Aquatech IndiaOrganizer: Amsterdam RAI

Venue: Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, India


Aquatech India 2011 exhibition and conference will showcase a wide spectrum of latest technologies and developments in the field of water and wastewater management. This tradeshow will provide manufacturers and suppliers a secure, recognized and reliable means/approach to enter the water industry.

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) 10, FICCI, New Delhi
Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 01:12 PM

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) 10
Theme: "National Geospatial Eco-system – The Road Ahead"

7th International India Development Coalition of America (IDCA) Conference , Gurgaon
Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 12:09 PM

7th International IDCA Conference in India
Theme: "Working Together to Eradicate Poverty and Mitigate Climate Change"

Action Beyond Dialogue, The Young Changemakers Conclave, 7th Jan 2011, New Delhi
Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 10:44 AM

The Young Changemakers Conclave

Theme: 'Action: Beyond Dialogue'

The Young Changemakers ConclaveOrganizer: The Young Changemakers Conclave


  • Human Rights
  • Educational Opportunity for all
  • Poverty & Hunger
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Intercultural Dialogue
  • Water: Harvestation & Conservation
Can India be firm with China on Brahmaputra dams ? - An article by Himanshu Thakkar
Discussing the Chinese dam and hydropower projects on the shared rivers, including in the Brahmaputra basin on Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s forthcoming India visit or underscoring the issue? Posted on 20 Dec, 2010 02:34 PM

Forwarded to the Portal by: Himanshu Thakkar
Article and Image Courtesy: SANDRP
Author: Himanshu Thakkar

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s forthcoming India visit (15-17 Dec 2010) provides another useful opportunity for India to be firm and forthright with China on India’s concerns about Chinese dam and hydropower projects on the shared rivers, including in the Brahmaputra basin. The importance of this issue cannot be underscored considering that this issue has been raised in the Parliament several times, even the Prime Minister has had to make clarifications in the recent past, the people and governments of several states, including Assam and Arunachal Pradesh have been agitated about this. India’s Planning Commission, Environment, Water Resources and Power Ministries have also been raising these concerns.
