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Agricultural crop substitution can bridge rural and urban water needs
Rural and urban water crisis in India can be addressed through adaptive changes in current agricultural practices, as per a study in Maharashtra by the Indian School of Business. Posted on 01 Jun, 2020 02:51 PM

With 85 percent of water being utilized for agriculture in India, a gradual shift in agriculture towards water-intensive crops have exposed the country to an increased threat of water crisis. The erratic nature of monsoons adds to this exposure and calls for judicious use of water resources, especially in the dry regions.

Cropping pattern in Maharashtra over the past 40 years has shifted towards water-intensive crops like sugarcane (Image: Terry Sunderland/CIFOR)
Mumbai slums fight Covid-19
While sanitation in Mumbai slums presents unique challenges, MCGM joins hands with other sanitation warriors to fight Covid-19, with conviction! Posted on 26 May, 2020 06:43 AM

Anand Jagtap, ex Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), the winner of the Lingaraja Memorial Award and a PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai has been associated with the Slum Sanitation Programme (SSP) undertaken by MCGM with support from the World Bank since 1997 to 2005.

Flushing the virus, in times of Covid-19 (Image Source: Anand Jagtap)
Menstrual hygiene needs, in times of Covid-19
While women in India suffer in silence during menstruation, Red is the New Green helps women cope with dignity, even more in times of Covid-19 Posted on 25 May, 2020 11:06 AM

Deane De Menezes is the founder of Red is the New Green (RING) – an award winning social enterprise working towards reducing the social stigma attached to menstruation.

Managing menstrual hygiene, in times of Covid-19 (Image Source: RISE Foundation)
Flushing away Covid-19, the Mumbai way!
While Mumbai slums have emerged as Covid-19 hotspots, Triratna Prerna Mandal (TPM) is moving ahead with conviction, to tackle the sanitation situation and ‘flush the virus’! Posted on 23 May, 2020 11:55 AM

Slums, fast growing Covid-19 hotspots!

Training safai and cremation workers on safe practices during the corona pandemic (Image Source: Triratna Prerna Mandal)
Collective action against Coronavirus
More than fifty organisations in Maharashtra have come together to tackle the coronavirus pandemic with a special focus on WASH, shelter, migration and social sector recovery Posted on 18 May, 2020 02:09 PM

Providing community toilet managers with safety equipmentEven as I sat down to write this the Jeevan Raths have rolled out and are serving migrants essentials - food, water and sanitary

PC: The Jeevan Rath Collaborative
Covid-19: Managing the disaster in rural India
There is a need to rethink our disaster management policies and the top-down approach that it follows. Posted on 17 May, 2020 09:45 PM

With an attempt to contain the spread of deadly Covid-19, Indian government had announced a complete nation-wide lockdown from March 25 onwards. For the first time, the provisions of the National Disaster Management Act, 2005, were invoked since the law came into being after the 2004 tsunami.

Drought in Marathwada (Image: Flickr Commons)
WASH warriors, in the making!
In addition to improving WASH facilities, changing WASH behaviour at a young age can go a long way in coping with infectious diseases like Covid-19 in the future! Posted on 15 May, 2020 03:17 PM

Citizens Association for Child Rights (CACR) works with municipal schools in Mumbai with a focus on WASH and menstrual hygiene management and even a digital literacy programme.

WASH warriors, in the making! (Image Source: CACR)
Will access to piped water ensure safe water in India?
A study from Maharashtra found that piped water supply did not ensure access to safe water. Intermittent water supply and poor sanitation triggered water contamination and antibiotic resistance. Posted on 09 May, 2020 02:35 PM

While Covid-19 has brought forth the need for better access to water for WASH practices to the forefront, how India plans to bring water at the doorstep through the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) continues to be a challenge. This is especially in the context of not only access but also quality of the available water.

Safe drinking water, a major challenges for India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Community economies - Reconstructing rural economy with ecological sustainability and ethics of equity
Collective management, participation and equity are the foundations on which community economies are sustained. Posted on 08 May, 2020 05:59 PM

The exodus of migrant workers from urban areas back to their villages in the wake of country wide lockdown has brought rural poverty into sharp focus. Reconstruction of rural economy therefore needs policy and planning attention.

Johads in Nanduwali nadi region (Image: Farhad Contractor, IWP Flickr)
Covid-19 and water security in India: Magnifying inequities in an unequal world
The "heal as one" narrative is a false one as the poorest are the most vulnerable to the disease. Posted on 25 Apr, 2020 01:44 PM


In the absence of piped water access, poor households will find it exceedingly difficult to practice regular handwashing (Image: UNICEF, Flickr Commons)