Praharsh M Patel

Praharsh M Patel
Meter, Measure, Manage: Engineering a data-based approach for water conservation
Kritsnam where engineering meets hydrology, founded by K. Sri Harsha focuses on developing accurate, easy to install, tamper-proof, and weather-proof smart water metering solutions to deal with the growing water crisis in India.
Posted on 15 Jul, 2024 03:35 PM

The recent water crisis in Delhi starkly underscores the looming water challenges faced by major Indian cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai. This situation reveals the anarchy prevalent in water resource management and governance. While the Delhi government and neighboring states engage in a blame game, water sector experts remain united.

An AI generated image, highlighting water shortage and use of tankers to provide water but water being wasted when available (Image Source: Praharsh Patel)
The tale of two disasters: Role of science communication for disaster risk reduction
Comparing two incidents of flash floods in the Garhwal region Posted on 15 Mar, 2022 10:43 AM

Over the years, the Himalayan climate has grown warmer, there are higher incidences of short but intense monsoon and hailstorms.

Aftermath caused by cloud burst and flood in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand (Image: Rahul Dixit, EGU)
Background on the meteorological datasets
This data can be useful in various research areas Posted on 01 Oct, 2021 10:04 AM

Data source

Horticulture pile-up, yet farmers stare at losses in Kachchh
Robust arid region horticulture in the water-scarce arid region of Kachchh, but without improved value-addition for increased shelf-life, farmers faced with a crisis. Posted on 10 May, 2020 04:05 PM

Kachchh: A desert oasis under peril

Date palm plantation in Kachchh (Image: Prayaas: The Movement of Grassroot Changes)